UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ BigInt/ BigInt.asUintN()

The BigInt.asUintN() static method truncates a BigInt value to the given number of least significant bits and returns that value as an unsigned integer.


BigInt.asUintN(bits, bigint)


Return value

The value of bigint modulo 2^bits, as an unsigned integer.



The BigInt.asUintN method truncates a BigInt value to the given number of bits, and interprets the result as an unsigned integer. Unsigned integers have no sign bits and are always non-negative. For example, for BigInt.asUintN(4, 25n), the value 25n is truncated to 9n:

25n = 00011001 (base 2)
         ^==== Use only the four remaining bits
===>      1001 (base 2) = 9n

Note: BigInt values are always encoded as two's complement in binary.

Unlike similar language APIs such as Number.prototype.toExponential, asUintN is a static property of BigInt, so you always use it as BigInt.asUintN(), rather than as a method of a BigInt value. Exposing asUintN() as a "standard library function" allows interop with asm.js.


Staying in 64-bit ranges

The BigInt.asUintN() method can be useful to stay in the range of 64-bit arithmetic.

const max = 2n ** 64n - 1n;

BigInt.asUintN(64, max); // 18446744073709551615n

BigInt.asUintN(64, max + 1n); // 0n
// zero because of overflow: the lowest 64 bits are all zeros


Browser compatibility

See also