UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ ArrayBuffer/ ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer()

The transfer() method of ArrayBuffer instances creates a new ArrayBuffer with the same byte content as this buffer, then detaches this buffer.




Return value

A new ArrayBuffer object. Its contents are initialized to the contents of this ArrayBuffer, and extra bytes, if any, are filled with zeros. The new ArrayBuffer is resizable if and only if this ArrayBuffer is resizable, in which case its maxByteLength is the same as this ArrayBuffer's. The original ArrayBuffer is detached.



The transfer() method performs the same operation as the structured clone algorithm. It copies the bytes of this ArrayBuffer into a new ArrayBuffer object, then detaches this ArrayBuffer object. See transferring ArrayBuffers for more information.

transfer() preserves the resizability of this ArrayBuffer. If you want the new ArrayBuffer to be non-resizable, use transferToFixedLength() instead. There's no way to transfer a buffer that makes a fixed-length buffer become resizable.

transfer() is very efficient because implementations may implement this method as a zero-copy move or a realloc — there does not need to be an actual copy of the data.


Transferring an ArrayBuffer

// Create an ArrayBuffer and write a few bytes
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
view[1] = 2;
view[7] = 4;

// Copy the buffer to the same size
const buffer2 = buffer.transfer();
console.log(buffer.detached); // true
console.log(buffer2.byteLength); // 8
const view2 = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
console.log(view2[1]); // 2
console.log(view2[7]); // 4

// Copy the buffer to a smaller size
const buffer3 = buffer2.transfer(4);
console.log(buffer3.byteLength); // 4
const view3 = new Uint8Array(buffer3);
console.log(view3[1]); // 2
console.log(view3[7]); // undefined

// Copy the buffer to a larger size
const buffer4 = buffer3.transfer(8);
console.log(buffer4.byteLength); // 8
const view4 = new Uint8Array(buffer4);
console.log(view4[1]); // 2
console.log(view4[7]); // 0

// Already detached, throws TypeError
buffer.transfer(); // TypeError: Cannot perform ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer on a detached ArrayBuffer

Transferring a resizable ArrayBuffer

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8, { maxByteLength: 16 });
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
view[1] = 2;
view[7] = 4;

// Copy the buffer to a smaller size
const buffer2 = buffer.transfer(4);
console.log(buffer2.byteLength); // 4
console.log(buffer2.maxByteLength); // 16
const view2 = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
console.log(view2[1]); // 2
console.log(view2[7]); // undefined
console.log(view2[7]); // 0

// Copy the buffer to a larger size within maxByteLength
const buffer3 = buffer2.transfer(12);
console.log(buffer3.byteLength); // 12

// Copy the buffer to a larger size than maxByteLength
buffer3.transfer(20); // RangeError: Invalid array buffer length


Browser compatibility

See also