UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ ArrayBuffer/ ArrayBuffer.prototype.detached

The detached accessor property of ArrayBuffer instances returns a boolean indicating whether or not this buffer has been detached (transferred).


The detached property is an accessor property whose set accessor function is undefined, meaning that you can only read this property. The value is false when the ArrayBuffer is first created. The value becomes true if the ArrayBuffer is transferred, which detaches the instance from its underlying memory. Once a buffer becomes detached, it is no longer usable.


Using detached

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
console.log(buffer.detached); // false
const newBuffer = buffer.transfer();
console.log(buffer.detached); // true
console.log(newBuffer.detached); // false


Browser compatibility

See also