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This feed contains pages with tag "python".

Posted Thu 20 Mar 2025 04:30:00 PM Tags: /tags/python
Posted Mon 17 Mar 2025 10:30:00 AM Tags: /tags/python
Posted Wed 12 Mar 2025 08:30:00 AM Tags: /tags/python
Posted Mon 10 Mar 2025 08:30:00 AM Tags: /tags/python
Posted Wed 26 Feb 2025 08:30:00 AM Tags: /tags/python
Posted Mon 24 Feb 2025 08:30:00 AM Tags: /tags/python


Debian is currently collecting buildinfo but they are not very conveniently searchable. Eventually Chris Lamb's buildinfo.debian.net may solve this problem, but in the mean time, I decided to see how practical indexing the full set of buildinfo files is with sqlite.


  1. First you need a copy of the buildinfo files. This is currently about 2.6G, and unfortunately you need to be a debian developer to fetch it.

     $ rsync -avz mirror.ftp-master.debian.org:/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/buildinfo .
  2. Indexing takes about 15 minutes on my 5 year old machine (with an SSD). If you index all dependencies, you get a database of about 4G, probably because of my natural genius for database design. Restricting to debhelper and dh-elpa, it's about 17M.

     $ python3 index.py

    You need at least python3-debian installed

  3. Now you can do queries like

     $ sqlite3 depends.sqlite "select * from depends where depend='dh-elpa' and depend_version<='0106'"

    where 0106 is some adhoc normalization of 1.6


The version number hackery is pretty fragile, but good enough for my current purposes. A more serious limitation is that I don't currently have a nice (and you see how generous my definition of nice is) way of limiting to builds currently available e.g. in Debian unstable.

Posted Sat 02 Sep 2017 05:41:00 PM Tags: /tags/python

I could not find any nice examples of using the vobject class to filter an icalendar file. Here is what I got to work. I'm sure there is a nicer way. This strips all of the valarm subevents (reminders) from an icalendar file.

import vobject
import sys


for ev in cal.vevent_list:
    if ev.contents.has_key(u'valarm'):
       del ev.contents[u'valarm']

print cal.serialize()
Posted Sun 01 Jun 2008 12:00:00 AM Tags: /tags/python