Valladolid Problem Set Archive - This site contains
an archive of many many problems that have appeared in programming
contests held by ACM. You can sign up, get an account and use their
online judging system to test whether you solved the problem or not.
The site also contains a useful message board for help on solving
problems. AKA: "The UVA Judge"
ACM ICPC - Here you can find out information about
the ACM contest, past regionals, and past problem sets.
APICS Archive - This is an archive, hosted by DAL
University, of old APICS competition problem sets, results, and judge's
test cases. It's a good place to get an idea of what kind of problems
we are expected to solve.
ACM ICPC Problem Archive - This is
a very useful resource, it contains past problem sets from regionals
all over the world. Many of them have judge's test cases and sometimes
Number Theory - This site contains
a dump of many number theory ideas with explanations. Knowing your
number theory is very useful for these types of competitions, there's
often a question related to this area of math.
Steven Halim Website - Contains a
list of problems Steven has solved with hints about how to solve them.
He rates the problems with difficulty ratings, and he also has them
categorized based on the type of problem they are.
Valladolid Problem Hints - This site is similar to
Steven's. It contains a list of problems and hints about how to solve
ACM Beginner - A very good site with a list of
problems the author has solved along with his analysis. He also has
tutorials on topics such as big integers and number base