Game #11 - June 7, 2021 - Winnipeg 2 at Montreal 3 (OT)
Game #11 - June 7, 2021
  Winnipeg   2   at     Montreal   3     (OT)

All times below are based on data from       links:
Scoresheet     Super Stats
Faceoff Comparison
Play By Play   

Lines and defensive pairings

Line Time EV PP SH +/-
62 Lehkonen24 Danault11 Gallagher
13:10 13:04 0:06 0:00 +1
41 Byron15 Kotkaniemi17 Anderson
12:58 12:58 0:00 0:00 -1
73 Toffoli14 Suzuki22 Caufield
11:40 11:40 0:00 0:00 +1
40 Armia21 Staal94 Perry
8:34 8:34 0:00 0:00 E
14 Suzuki - 22 Caufield - 73 Toffoli - 94 Perry 4:40 0:00 4:40 0:00 E
40 Armia41 Byron
1:08 0:00 0:00 1:08 E
Others 9:29 8:19 0:18 0:52 -1
Pair Time EV PP SH +/-
  8 Chiarot  6 Weber
14:43 13:20 0:24 0:59 E
77 Kulak44 Edmundson
11:57 11:57 0:00 0:00 E
  8 Chiarot44 Edmundson
5:02 4:10 0:00 0:52 -1
32 Gustafsson
4:40 0:00 4:40 0:00 E
32 Gustafsson44 Edmundson
4:33 4:33 0:00 0:00 E
27 Romanov  6 Weber
4:01 3:52 0:00 0:09 E
77 Kulak  8 Chiarot
3:03 3:03 0:00 0:00 +1
27 Romanov44 Edmundson
2:57 2:57 0:00 0:00 E
77 Kulak  6 Weber
2:57 2:57 0:00 0:00 E
32 Gustafsson  6 Weber
2:05 2:05 0:00 0:00 E
27 Romanov  8 Chiarot
2:02 2:02 0:00 0:00 E
32 Gustafsson  8 Chiarot
1:55 1:55 0:00 0:00 E
44 Edmundson  6 Weber
1:17 1:17 0:00 0:00 E
Others 0:27 0:27 0:00 0:00 E

Line match-ups:

Line/Pair 62AL
32EG 32EG
27 Ehlers - 9 Copp - 26 Wheeler 8:49 1:17 1:39 2:25   7:03 3:44 1:18   0:43 0:36 1:04 0:27 1:10    
81 Connor - 25 Stastny - 22 Appleton 0:58 5:14 2:20 1:03   2:32 3:29 2:24   0:06 0:01 0:23 1:02 0:28 0:20  
13 Dubois - 17 Lowry - 85 Perreault 0:17 0:40 3:30 1:34   0:01 2:49 0:03   1:45 0:16 0:11 0:13 0:38 0:53 0:13
13 Dubois - 25 Stastny - 81 Connor 2:14 2:07   0:01   2:43 0:58         0:47 0:06      
93 Vesalainen - 11 Thompson - 23 Lewis   0:12 2:09 1:08     0:10     0:39 0:42 0:11 0:01 0:12   1:38
93 Vesalainen - 17 Lowry - 85 Perreault 0:22     2:02             1:24   0:14 0:29    
4 Pionk - 24 Forbort 4:44 5:11 3:41 1:23   5:09 2:55 2:43   1:08 0:42 0:15 1:05 0:52 0:27 1:14
3 Poolman - 44 Morrissey 3:46 2:44 4:29 2:52   3:16 4:56 0:15   0:56 2:56 1:26 0:49 0:12    
40 Benn - 64 Stanley 1:29 2:48 1:08 2:39 0:02 2:02 1:47 0:31 0:02 1:29 0:01 1:12 1:03 0:27 1:03  
3 Poolman - 24 Forbort 0:21   0:20   4:38 0:08 0:21   4:38 0:20         0:06  
4 Pionk - 44 Morrissey 1:29 1:07 1:30 0:57   2:35 0:48     0:21 0:05     0:52   0:46

Shift chart:
(green = even-strength, red = power-play, blue = short-handed)

For each forward: most common linemates
(as a percentage of total ice time)

11 Gallagher
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Lehkonen-Danault 85.3% 84.7% 0.6%  
Lehkonen-Suzuki 3.5% 3.5%    
Armia-Staal 3.2% 3.2%    
Lehkonen-Kotkaniemi 3.1% 3.1%    
Toffoli-Suzuki 2.5% 2.5%    
Others 2.4% 2.4%    
Totals   99.4% 0.6%  
14 Suzuki
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Toffoli-Caufield 60.3% 60.3%    
Caufield-Toffoli-Perry 24.1%   24.1%  
Toffoli-Perry 3.3% 1.7% 1.6%  
Lehkonen-Gallagher 2.8% 2.8%    
Toffoli-Gallagher 2.0% 2.0%    
Others 7.6% 6.8%   0.8%
Totals   73.6% 25.7% 0.8%
15 Kotkaniemi
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Byron-Anderson 84.9% 84.9%    
Lehkonen-Gallagher 3.2% 3.2%    
Armia-Anderson 2.6% 2.6%    
Byron-Perry 2.5% 2.5%    
Byron-Danault 2.1% 2.1%    
Others 4.7% 4.7%    
Totals   100.0%    
17 Anderson
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Byron-Kotkaniemi 86.3% 86.3%    
Armia-Kotkaniemi 2.7% 2.7%    
Byron-Staal 2.6% 2.6%    
Byron-Danault 2.0% 2.0%    
Byron-Suzuki 1.8% 1.8%    
Others 4.7% 4.7%    
Totals   100.0%    
21 Staal
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Armia-Perry 79.3% 79.3%    
Lehkonen-Perry 4.6% 4.6%    
Armia-Gallagher 4.6% 4.6%    
Byron-Anderson 3.5% 3.5%    
Toffoli-Perry 2.8% 2.8%    
Others 5.1% 5.1%    
Totals   100.0%    
22 Caufield
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Toffoli-Suzuki 68.0% 68.0%    
Suzuki-Toffoli-Perry 27.2%   27.2%  
Toffoli-Perry 1.4% 1.4%    
Byron-Kotkaniemi 1.2% 1.2%    
Armia-Staal 1.0% 1.0%    
Others 1.3% 1.3%    
Totals   72.8% 27.2%  
24 Danault
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Lehkonen-Gallagher 84.0% 83.4% 0.6%  
Lehkonen 4.6%     4.6%
Lehkonen-Perry 2.8% 2.8%    
Byron-Kotkaniemi 2.0% 2.0%    
Byron-Anderson 1.9% 1.9%    
Others 4.7% 4.7%    
Totals   94.8% 0.6% 4.6%
40 Armia
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Staal-Perry 74.3% 74.3%    
Byron 9.8%     9.8%
Staal-Gallagher 4.3% 4.3%    
Kotkaniemi-Anderson 3.5% 3.5%    
Suzuki-Perry 3.3% 3.3%    
Others 4.8% 4.8%    
Totals   90.2%   9.8%
41 Byron
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Kotkaniemi-Anderson 79.7% 79.7%    
Armia 7.0%     7.0%
Staal-Anderson 2.4% 2.4%    
Kotkaniemi-Perry 2.4% 2.4%    
Danault-Kotkaniemi 1.9% 1.9%    
Others 6.7% 6.7%    
Totals   93.0%   7.0%
62 Lehkonen
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Danault-Gallagher 82.2% 81.6% 0.6%  
Danault 4.5%     4.5%
Suzuki-Gallagher 3.3% 3.3%    
Staal-Perry 3.1% 3.1%    
Kotkaniemi-Gallagher 3.0% 3.0%    
Others 3.9% 3.9%    
Totals   94.9% 0.6% 4.5%
73 Toffoli
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Suzuki-Caufield 61.8% 61.8%    
Suzuki-Caufield-Perry 24.7%   24.7%  
Suzuki-Perry 3.4% 1.8% 1.6%  
Suzuki-Gallagher 2.0% 2.0%    
Staal-Perry 1.6% 1.6%    
Others 6.5% 5.7%   0.8%
Totals   72.9% 26.3% 0.8%
94 Perry
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Armia-Staal 53.0% 53.0%    
Suzuki-Caufield-Toffoli 28.9%   28.9%  
Toffoli-Suzuki 3.9% 2.1% 1.9%  
Lehkonen-Staal 3.1% 3.1%    
Lehkonen-Danault 2.7% 2.7%    
Others 8.5% 8.5%    
Totals   69.3% 30.7%  

For each D-man: most common partners
(as a percentage of total ice time)

6 Weber
Partner Total EV PP SH
Chiarot 58.5% 53.0% 1.6% 3.9%
Romanov 16.0% 15.4%   0.6%
Kulak 11.7% 11.7%    
Gustafsson 8.3% 8.3%    
Edmundson 5.1% 5.1%    
Others 0.4% 0.4%    
Totals   93.9% 1.6% 4.5%
8 Chiarot
Partner Total EV PP SH
Weber 55.0% 49.8% 1.5% 3.7%
Edmundson 18.8% 15.6%   3.2%
Kulak 11.4% 11.4%    
Romanov 7.6% 7.6%    
Gustafsson 7.2% 7.2%    
Totals   91.6% 1.5% 6.9%
27 Romanov
Partner Total EV PP SH
Weber 42.5% 40.9%   1.6%
Edmundson 31.2% 31.2%    
Chiarot 21.5% 21.5%    
Kulak 3.7% 3.7%    
Kulak-Weber 1.1% 1.1%    
Totals   98.4%   1.6%
32 Gustafsson
Partner Total EV PP SH
  35.3%   35.3%  
Edmundson 34.4% 34.4%    
Weber 15.8% 15.8%    
Chiarot 14.5% 14.5%    
Totals   64.7% 35.3%  
44 Edmundson
Partner Total EV PP SH
Kulak 46.4% 46.4%    
Chiarot 19.5% 16.2%   3.4%
Gustafsson 17.7% 17.7%    
Romanov 11.4% 11.4%    
Weber 5.0% 5.0%    
Totals   96.6%   3.4%
77 Kulak
Partner Total EV PP SH
Edmundson 64.9% 64.9%    
Chiarot 16.6% 16.6%    
Weber 16.0% 16.0%    
Romanov 1.9% 1.9%    
Romanov-Weber 0.5% 0.5%    
Totals   100.0%    

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