Game #06 - September 26, 2011 - Boston 2 at Montreal 1
Game #06 - September 26, 2011
  Boston   2   at     Montreal   1

All times below are based on data from       links:
Scoresheet     Super Stats
Faceoff Comparison
Play By Play   

Lines and defensive pairings

Line Time EV PP SH +/-
49 Bournival56 Willsie21 Gionta
12:38 12:38 0:00 0:00 E
13 Cammalleri14 Plekanec73 Gallagher
11:57 11:56 0:01 0:00 E
90 Lefebvre48 DeSimone34 Berger
9:20 9:20 0:00 0:00 E
59 Trotter37 Dumont45 Blunden
7:05 7:05 0:00 0:00 E
59 Trotter56 Willsie21 Gionta
1:47 1:34 0:13 0:00 E
13 Cammalleri14 Plekanec
1:40 0:00 0:00 1:40 E
21 Gionta14 Plekanec13 Cammalleri
1:19 0:10 1:09 0:00 E
90 Lefebvre37 Dumont45 Blunden
1:10 1:10 0:00 0:00 E
14 Plekanec21 Gionta
1:06 0:00 0:00 1:06 E
37 Dumont45 Blunden
1:05 0:00 0:00 1:05 E
13 Cammalleri48 DeSimone34 Berger
1:00 1:00 0:00 0:00 +1
Others 9:53 8:27 0:37 0:49 -1
Pair Time EV PP SH +/-
  8 Woywitka26 Gorges
18:42 16:37 0:37 1:28 E
  6 Spacek61 Diaz
14:55 13:45 1:10 0:00 +1
42 Tinordi62 St-Denis
13:00 13:00 0:00 0:00 E
  6 Spacek62 St-Denis
4:22 2:54 0:00 1:28 E
42 Tinordi61 Diaz
3:20 3:20 0:00 0:00 E
42 Tinordi26 Gorges
1:32 0:39 0:00 0:53 E
61 Diaz26 Gorges
1:13 1:00 0:13 0:00 E
26 Gorges62 St-Denis
1:11 0:51 0:00 0:20 E
Others 1:45 1:14 0:00 0:31 -1

Line match-ups:

Line/Pair 49MB
74 Sauve - 49 Peverley - 71 Clark 6:16 2:21 0:32 0:57 4:24 5:21 1:12 2:13 0:37
22 Thornton - 11 Campbell - 64 MacDermid 1:32 0:38 5:23 0:23 4:10 1:15 3:37 0:10 0:30
17 Lucic - 46 Krejci - 19 Seguin 0:50 4:39 0:09   3:30 2:57   0:36  
72 Arniel - 23 Kelly - 38 Caron 0:40 0:39 1:21 3:33 0:29 0:48 4:19 0:45 1:32
19 Seguin - 46 Krejci - 38 Caron 0:44 1:50 0:05   2:01 1:12   0:12  
17 Lucic - 23 Kelly - 72 Arniel 0:50   0:30 1:26 0:13 0:03 2:19   0:17
43 Bartkowski - 55 Boychuk 2:32 3:16 4:08 3:00 5:48 4:42 3:26 0:54 1:41
44 Seidenberg - 47 Kampfer 4:00 4:42 2:00 2:28 6:32 4:44 3:45 2:37 0:56
21 Ference - 36 Cohen 5:30 3:06 2:30 1:23 4:51 4:07 5:07 0:51 0:41

Shift chart:
(green = even-strength, red = power-play, blue = short-handed)

For each forward: most common linemates
(as a percentage of total ice time)

13 Cammalleri
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Plekanec-Gallagher 63.9% 63.8% 0.1%  
Plekanec 8.9%     8.9%
Gionta-Plekanec 7.0% 0.9% 6.1%  
DeSimone-Berger 5.3% 5.3%    
Dumont-Blunden 4.8% 4.8%    
Others 10.0% 9.5%   0.4%
Totals   84.4% 6.2% 9.4%
14 Plekanec
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Cammalleri-Gallagher 68.6% 68.5% 0.1%  
Cammalleri 9.6%     9.6%
Gionta-Cammalleri 7.6% 1.0% 6.6%  
Gionta 6.3%     6.3%
Bournival-Cammalleri-Gionta 1.9% 1.9%    
Others 6.0% 6.0%    
Totals   77.4% 6.7% 15.9%
21 Gionta
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Bournival-Willsie 65.2% 65.2%    
Trotter-Willsie 9.2% 8.1% 1.1%  
Plekanec-Cammalleri 6.8% 0.9% 5.9%  
Plekanec 5.7%     5.7%
Willsie 4.0% 0.3%   3.8%
Others 9.0% 9.0%    
Totals   83.5% 7.1% 9.5%
34 Berger
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Lefebvre-DeSimone 88.9% 88.9%    
Cammalleri-DeSimone 9.5% 9.5%    
Cammalleri-Plekanec 1.6% 1.6%    
Totals   100.0%    
37 Dumont
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Trotter-Blunden 54.3% 54.3%    
Lefebvre-Blunden 9.0% 9.0%    
Blunden 8.3%     8.3%
Cammalleri-Blunden 6.9% 6.9%    
Trotter-Gionta 5.8% 5.8%    
Others 15.7% 15.7%    
Totals   91.7%   8.3%
45 Blunden
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Trotter-Dumont 53.7% 53.7%    
Lefebvre-Dumont 8.8% 8.8%    
Dumont 8.2%     8.2%
Cammalleri-Dumont 6.8% 6.8%    
Trotter-DeSimone 6.4% 6.4%    
Others 16.0% 16.0%    
Totals   91.8%   8.2%
48 DeSimone
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Lefebvre-Berger 73.7% 73.7%    
Cammalleri-Berger 7.9% 7.9%    
Trotter-Blunden 6.7% 6.7%    
Dumont-Blunden 5.9% 5.9%    
Lefebvre-Blunden 2.6% 2.6%    
Others 3.2% 3.2%    
Totals   100.0%    
49 Bournival
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Willsie-Gionta 85.7% 85.7%    
Willsie-Blunden 5.2% 5.2%    
Willsie-Gallagher 3.8% 3.8%    
Cammalleri-Plekanec-Gionta 2.3% 2.3%    
Dumont-Gionta 0.9% 0.9%    
Others 2.0% 2.0%    
Totals   100.0%    
56 Willsie
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Bournival-Gionta 69.7% 69.7%    
Trotter-Gionta 9.8% 8.6% 1.2%  
Gionta 4.3% 0.3%   4.0%
Bournival-Blunden 4.2% 4.2%    
Trotter-Gallagher 3.4%   3.4%  
Others 8.5% 8.0%   0.5%
Totals   90.9% 4.6% 4.5%
59 Trotter
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Dumont-Blunden 61.0% 61.0%    
Willsie-Gionta 15.4% 13.5% 1.9%  
DeSimone-Blunden 7.3% 7.3%    
Dumont-Gionta 6.5% 6.5%    
Willsie-Gallagher 5.3%   5.3%  
Others 4.6% 4.6%    
Totals   92.8% 7.2%  
73 Gallagher
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Cammalleri-Plekanec 78.2% 78.1% 0.1%  
Trotter-Willsie 4.0%   4.0%  
Bournival-Willsie 3.7% 3.7%    
Cammalleri-Willsie 3.1% 3.1%    
Cammalleri-Dumont 2.6% 2.6%    
Others 8.4% 8.4%    
Totals   95.9% 4.1%  
90 Lefebvre
Linemates Total EV PP SH
DeSimone-Berger 83.5% 83.5%    
Dumont-Blunden 10.4% 10.4%    
DeSimone-Blunden 3.0% 3.0%    
Plekanec-Gallagher 1.6% 1.6%    
Plekanec-Blunden 1.5% 1.5%    
Totals   100.0%    

For each D-man: most common partners
(as a percentage of total ice time)

6 Spacek
Partner Total EV PP SH
Diaz 75.1% 69.2% 5.9%  
St-Denis 22.0% 14.6%   7.4%
Gorges 2.7% 2.7%    
Woywitka-Gorges 0.3% 0.3%    
Totals   86.7% 5.9% 7.4%
8 Woywitka
Partner Total EV PP SH
Gorges 96.4% 85.7% 3.2% 7.6%
Diaz 3.4% 3.4%    
Spacek-Gorges 0.3% 0.3%    
Totals   89.3% 3.2% 7.6%
26 Gorges
Partner Total EV PP SH
Woywitka 80.5% 71.6% 2.7% 6.3%
Tinordi 6.6% 2.8%   3.8%
Diaz 5.2% 4.3% 0.9%  
St-Denis 5.1% 3.7%   1.4%
Spacek 2.3% 2.3%    
Others 0.2% 0.2%    
Totals   84.9% 3.6% 11.6%
42 Tinordi
Partner Total EV PP SH
St-Denis 72.8% 72.8%    
Diaz 18.7% 18.7%    
Gorges 8.6% 3.6%   4.9%
Totals   95.1%   4.9%
61 Diaz
Partner Total EV PP SH
Spacek 72.3% 66.6% 5.7%  
Tinordi 16.2% 16.2%    
Gorges 5.9% 4.8% 1.1%  
Woywitka 3.2% 3.2%    
St-Denis 2.5%     2.5%
Totals   90.8% 6.7% 2.5%
62 St-Denis
Partner Total EV PP SH
Tinordi 68.2% 68.2%    
Spacek 22.9% 15.2%   7.7%
Gorges 6.2% 4.5%   1.7%
Diaz 2.7%     2.7%
Totals   87.8%   12.2%

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