Montreal Canadiens 2010-11: Most common lines and defensive pairs Montreal Canadiens 2010-11 season data
All times below are approximate and are based on data from
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Most common forward lines
(Minimum 42 minutes)

Line Time EV PP SH +/-
13 Cammalleri14 Plekanec46 Kostitsyn
362:52 296:41 66:11 0:00 +6
67 Pacioretty11 Gomez21 Gionta
360:24 302:32 57:52 0:00 -1
13 Cammalleri14 Plekanec15 Halpern
143:40 143:34 0:06 0:00 +3
32 Moen11 Gomez21 Gionta
138:50 137:52 0:56 0:02 +3
46 Kostitsyn14 Plekanec21 Gionta
136:34 115:00 21:34 0:00 +3
14 Plekanec32 Moen
136:02 2:00 0:00 134:02 +1
67 Pacioretty14 Plekanec21 Gionta
134:40 109:01 25:39 0:00 +2
11 Gomez21 Gionta
111:53 41:50 2:04 67:59 E
57 Pouliot58 Desharnais53 White
108:00 107:04 0:56 0:00 +2
57 Pouliot81 Eller52 Darche
105:26 105:00 0:26 0:00 +1
52 Darche11 Gomez21 Gionta
101:51 86:10 15:41 0:00 +2
13 Cammalleri14 Plekanec21 Gionta
100:58 78:05 22:53 0:00 -1
46 Kostitsyn81 Eller32 Moen
95:40 95:04 0:36 0:00 +3
94 Pyatt15 Halpern
94:18 2:11 0:00 92:07 +1
57 Pouliot11 Gomez21 Gionta
92:38 69:01 23:37 0:00 -1
57 Pouliot58 Desharnais52 Darche
91:28 90:07 1:21 0:00 -1
57 Pouliot15 Halpern52 Darche
84:31 81:45 2:46 0:00 +6
13 Cammalleri11 Gomez32 Moen
81:48 81:41 0:07 0:00 -2
46 Kostitsyn11 Gomez21 Gionta
66:54 57:14 9:40 0:00 -2
94 Pyatt15 Halpern40 Lapierre
66:10 66:05 0:05 0:00 E
13 Cammalleri11 Gomez21 Gionta
64:10 46:02 18:08 0:00 +1
94 Pyatt15 Halpern32 Moen
61:02 60:51 0:11 0:00 -1
46 Kostitsyn11 Gomez32 Moen
58:33 58:30 0:03 0:00 -3
46 Kostitsyn14 Plekanec81 Eller
54:05 54:05 0:00 0:00 E
57 Pouliot15 Halpern40 Lapierre
51:23 51:23 0:00 0:00 E
46 Kostitsyn11 Gomez81 Eller
46:44 46:13 0:31 0:00 -4
13 Cammalleri14 Plekanec81 Eller
44:00 44:00 0:00 0:00 -3
46 Kostitsyn11 Gomez40 Lapierre
42:25 42:25 0:00 0:00 +1
Others 1937:00 1492:24 191:56 252:28 -13
Totals 4973:59 3963:50 463:19 546:38 +3

Most common defensive pairings
(Minimum 42 minutes)

Pair Time EV PP SH +/-
75 Gill76 Subban
779:18 646:56 1:04 131:18 -2
44 Hamrlik20 Wisniewski
677:06 630:11 39:14 7:29 +3
44 Hamrlik  6 Spacek
641:30 543:21 14:45 83:24 +3
75 Gill26 Gorges
571:25 450:01 2:18 119:06 -4
45 Picard76 Subban
312:03 305:19 3:41 3:03 +1
44 Hamrlik76 Subban
184:17 87:14 77:56 19:07 -2
  6 Spacek68 Weber
182:44 166:06 2:37 14:01 +3
45 Picard68 Weber
171:55 164:58 1:45 5:12 -2
  6 Spacek76 Subban
145:11 98:09 28:44 18:18 -2
44 Hamrlik68 Weber
118:15 53:38 51:44 12:53 +4
22 Mara55 Sopel
111:15 89:22 0:02 21:51 +1
76 Subban20 Wisniewski
106:35 20:24 85:48 0:23 E
79 Markov26 Gorges
76:07 71:01 0:06 5:00 +2
79 Markov76 Subban
68:08 43:16 17:57 6:55 E
45 Picard  6 Spacek
55:36 27:04 25:19 3:13 +2
22 Mara68 Weber
52:13 50:34 0:01 1:38 E
22 Mara76 Subban
42:21 32:35 2:45 7:01 +1
Others 678:00 483:41 107:33 86:46 -6
Totals 4973:59 3963:50 463:19 546:38 +2

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