Montreal Canadiens 2007-08 playoff data
Montreal Canadiens 2007-08: Lines over the course of the playoffs Even-strength lines over the course of the playoffs

Line/pair with the most ice time Line/pair with the 2nd most ice time Line/pair with the 3rd most ice time Line/pair with the 4th most ice time

Note: These are simply the four lines and three defensive pairs used most frequently in even-strength situations in each game. They are not necessarily the lines intended by the coach, and some players might appear on more than one line in a given game.

1-10 11-20 21-28
 79 Markov  8 Komisarek 
 44 Hamrlik71 Brisebois 
 51 Bouillon26 Gorges 
 44 Hamrlik26 Gorges 
 32 Streit26 Gorges 
 44 Hamrlik  3 O'Byrne 
 26 Gorges  3 O'Byrne 
1-10 11-20 21-28
46 Kostitsyn14 Plekanec27 Kovalev
22 Begin20 Smolinski  6 Kostopoulos
21 Higgins11 Koivu27 Kovalev
46 Kostitsyn14 Plekanec74 Kostitsyn
21 Higgins11 Koivu74 Kostitsyn
74 Kostitsyn21 Higgins73 Ryder
84 Latendresse40 Lapierre25 Dandenault
32 Streit40 Lapierre25 Dandenault
84 Latendresse20 Smolinski  6 Kostopoulos
32 Streit22 Begin40 Lapierre
84 Latendresse21 Higgins74 Kostitsyn
84 Latendresse40 Lapierre32 Streit

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