Game #15 - November 12, 2002 - Dallas 4 at Montreal 2
Game #15 - November 12, 2002
  Dallas   4   at     Montreal   2

All times below are approximate and are based on data from
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Lines and defensive pairings        [Lines for Montreal]

Line Time EV PP SH +/-
  9 Modano11 Dahlen26 Lehtinen
12:20 11:07 1:13 0:00 +1
10 Morrow39 Kapanen48 Young
9:20 9:20 0:00 0:00 E
27 Malhotra22 Muller18 Dimaio
9:07 9:00 0:07 0:00 +1
44 Arnott77 Turgeon13 Guerin
6:40 6:00 0:40 0:00 -1
  9 Modano11 Dahlen13 Guerin
5:47 0:47 5:00 0:00 E
44 Arnott77 Turgeon26 Lehtinen
2:53 0:47 2:07 0:00 +1
  9 Modano26 Lehtinen
1:47 0:00 0:00 1:47 E
10 Morrow18 Dimaio
1:40 0:00 0:00 1:40 E
Others 10:13 7:13 0:27 2:33 -1
Pair Time EV PP SH +/-
  2 Hatcher56 Zubov
17:53 13:13 4:40 0:00 E
24 Matvichuk43 Boucher
13:07 13:00 0:07 0:00 E
  5 Sydor17 Robidas
6:53 6:33 0:20 0:00 E
  5 Sydor56 Zubov
5:13 2:20 1:00 1:53 E
  2 Hatcher24 Matvichuk
4:13 1:07 0:00 3:07 -1
  5 Sydor43 Boucher
3:33 1:33 2:00 0:00 +1
43 Boucher56 Zubov
2:20 0:00 1:27 0:53 E
  2 Hatcher43 Boucher
1:47 1:47 0:00 0:00 +1
24 Matvichuk56 Zubov
1:27 1:20 0:00 0:07 E
  2 Hatcher  5 Sydor
1:13 1:13 0:00 0:00 E
Others 2:13 2:13 0:00 0:00 E

For each forward: most common linemates
(as a percentage of total ice time)

9 Modano
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Dahlen-Lehtinen 56.6% 51.0% 5.6%  
Dahlen-Guerin 26.5% 3.6% 23.0%  
Lehtinen 8.2%     8.2%
Morrow-Young 2.0% 2.0%    
Turgeon-Lehtinen 1.5% 1.5%    
Others 5.1% 4.1% 1.0%  
Totals   62.2% 29.6% 8.2%
10 Morrow
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Kapanen-Young 58.7% 58.7%    
Dimaio 10.5%     10.5%
Malhotra 4.9% 0.7%   4.2%
Arnott-Guerin 4.9% 4.9%    
Dahlen-Young 4.2% 4.2%    
Others 16.8% 11.2% 0.7% 4.9%
Totals   79.7% 0.7% 19.6%
11 Dahlen
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Modano-Lehtinen 64.9% 58.5% 6.4%  
Modano-Guerin 30.4% 4.1% 26.3%  
Morrow-Young 3.5% 3.5%    
Turgeon-Guerin 1.2% 1.2%    
Totals   67.3% 32.7%  
13 Guerin
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Arnott-Turgeon 44.4% 40.0% 4.4%  
Modano-Dahlen 38.5% 5.2% 33.3%  
Morrow-Arnott 5.2% 5.2%    
Malhotra-Arnott 3.7% 3.7%    
Modano-Lehtinen 1.5%   1.5%  
Others 6.7% 6.7%    
Totals   60.7% 39.3%  
18 Dimaio
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Malhotra-Muller 70.1% 69.2% 0.9%  
Morrow 12.8%     12.8%
Young 6.0% 2.6%   3.4%
Malhotra-Turgeon 4.3% 3.4% 0.9%  
Muller-Arnott 2.6% 2.6%    
Others 4.3% 4.3%    
Totals   82.1% 1.7% 16.2%
22 Muller
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Malhotra-Dimaio 95.3% 94.2% 1.2%  
Arnott-Dimaio 3.5% 3.5%    
Modano-Dimaio 1.2% 1.2%    
Totals   98.8% 1.2%  
26 Lehtinen
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Modano-Dahlen 64.5% 58.1% 6.4%  
Arnott-Turgeon 15.1% 4.1% 11.0%  
Modano 9.3%     9.3%
Malhotra 2.3% 1.2%   1.2%
Kapanen 2.3%     2.3%
Others 6.4% 4.7% 1.2% 0.6%
Totals   68.0% 18.6% 13.4%
27 Malhotra
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Muller-Dimaio 69.5% 68.6% 0.8%  
Morrow 5.9% 0.8%   5.1%
Morrow-Young 4.2% 4.2%    
Arnott-Guerin 4.2% 4.2%    
Turgeon-Dimaio 4.2% 3.4% 0.8%  
Others 11.9% 10.2%   1.7%
Totals   91.5% 1.7% 6.8%
39 Kapanen
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Morrow-Young 90.3% 90.3%    
Lehtinen 4.3%     4.3%
Morrow 2.2%     2.2%
Morrow-Malhotra 1.1% 1.1%    
Turgeon-Guerin 1.1% 1.1%    
Others 1.1% 1.1%    
Totals   93.5%   6.5%
44 Arnott
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Turgeon-Guerin 56.6% 50.9% 5.7%  
Turgeon-Lehtinen 24.5% 6.6% 17.9%  
Morrow-Guerin 6.6% 6.6%    
Malhotra-Guerin 4.7% 4.7%    
Muller-Dimaio 2.8% 2.8%    
Others 4.7% 3.8% 0.9%  
Totals   75.5% 24.5%  
48 Young
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Morrow-Kapanen 74.3% 74.3%    
Dimaio 6.2% 2.7%   3.5%
Morrow-Dahlen 5.3% 5.3%    
Morrow-Malhotra 4.4% 4.4%    
Morrow 3.5%     3.5%
Others 6.2% 5.3% 0.9%  
Totals   92.0% 0.9% 7.1%
77 Turgeon
Linemates Total EV PP SH
Arnott-Guerin 57.7% 51.9% 5.8%  
Arnott-Lehtinen 25.0% 6.7% 18.3%  
Malhotra-Dimaio 4.8% 3.8% 1.0%  
Modano-Lehtinen 2.9% 2.9%    
Malhotra-Guerin 1.9% 1.9%    
Others 7.7% 7.7%    
Totals   75.0% 25.0%  

For each D-man: most common partners
(as a percentage of total ice time)

2 Hatcher
Partner Total EV PP SH
Zubov 68.5% 50.6% 17.9%  
Matvichuk 16.2% 4.3%   11.9%
Boucher 6.8% 6.8%    
Sydor 4.7% 4.7%    
Robidas 2.1% 2.1%    
Others 1.7% 1.7%    
Totals   70.2% 17.9% 11.9%
5 Sydor
Partner Total EV PP SH
Robidas 40.3% 38.3% 1.9%  
Zubov 30.5% 13.6% 5.8% 11.0%
Boucher 20.8% 9.1% 11.7%  
Hatcher 7.1% 7.1%    
Boucher-Zubov 1.3% 1.3%    
Totals   69.5% 19.5% 11.0%
17 Robidas
Partner Total EV PP SH
Sydor 83.8% 79.7% 4.1%  
Matvichuk 9.5% 9.5%    
Hatcher 6.8% 6.8%    
Totals   95.9% 4.1%  
24 Matvichuk
Partner Total EV PP SH
Boucher 65.2% 64.6% 0.6%  
Hatcher 21.0% 5.5%   15.5%
Zubov 7.2% 6.6%   0.6%
Robidas 3.9% 3.9%    
Hatcher-Boucher 1.7% 1.7%    
Others 1.1% 1.1%    
Totals   83.4% 0.6% 16.0%
43 Boucher
Partner Total EV PP SH
Matvichuk 60.8% 60.3% 0.5%  
Sydor 16.5% 7.2% 9.3%  
Zubov 10.8%   6.7% 4.1%
Hatcher 8.2% 8.2%    
Hatcher-Matvichuk 1.5% 1.5%    
Others 2.1% 2.1%    
Totals   79.4% 16.5% 4.1%
56 Zubov
Partner Total EV PP SH
Hatcher 65.4% 48.4% 17.1%  
Sydor 19.1% 8.5% 3.7% 6.9%
Boucher 8.5%   5.3% 3.3%
Matvichuk 5.3% 4.9%   0.4%
Matvichuk-Boucher 0.8% 0.8%    
Others 0.8% 0.8%    
Totals   63.4% 26.0% 10.6%

Ice time together for all pairs of skaters

Forwards Defencemen
9 10 11 13 18 22 26 27 39 44 48 77 2 5 17 24 43 56
  9      0:40 18:07  6:13  0:07  0:07 15:13  0:20      0:27  0:33 10:33  4:07  2:00  7:27  8:47 10:40
  10    0:40    0:40  0:47  2:07    0:20  1:47  9:40  1:00 11:33    4:53  5:53  1:40  5:53  6:13  7:20
  11   18:07  0:40    6:00     12:20        0:40  0:13  8:27  4:07  2:07  5:07  8:20  9:53
  13    6:13  0:47  6:00        0:13  0:53  0:13  8:07    7:33  9:33  1:53  0:53  3:20  4:13 10:13
  18    0:07  2:07        9:33   10:00    0:27  0:47  0:33  6:33  3:33  3:27  4:13  1:53  6:40
  22    0:07        9:33      9:07    0:20      4:47  2:40  3:27  3:00  0:47  4:27
  26   15:13  0:20 12:20  0:13        0:47  0:27  2:53    3:13  6:27  6:27  2:00  7:27 10:13  5:53
  27    0:20  1:47    0:53 10:00  9:07  0:47    0:07  0:33  0:33  0:47  6:27  3:13  3:20  4:27  2:13  7:00
  39      9:40    0:13      0:27  0:07    0:07  9:20  0:13  3:33  4:00  1:40  4:20  4:07  3:00
  44      1:00    8:07  0:27  0:20  2:53  0:33  0:07    0:20  9:53  4:40  4:27  1:00  3:00  5:27  5:00
  48    0:27 11:33  0:40    0:47      0:33  9:20  0:20    0:13  4:13  4:33  1:53  5:33  5:27  3:47
  77    0:33    0:13  7:33  0:33    3:13  0:47  0:13  9:53  0:13    4:33  4:20  1:13  2:47  5:20  4:53
  2   10:33  4:53  8:27  9:33  6:33  4:47  6:27  6:27  3:33  4:40  4:13  4:33    1:13  0:33  4:33  2:07 17:53
  5    4:07  5:53  4:07  1:53  3:33  2:40  6:27  3:13  4:00  4:27  4:33  4:20  1:13    6:53    3:47  5:27
  17    2:00  1:40  2:07  0:53  3:27  3:27  2:00  3:20  1:40  1:00  1:53  1:13  0:33  6:53    0:47    
  24    7:27  5:53  5:07  3:20  4:13  3:00  7:27  4:27  4:20  3:00  5:33  2:47  4:33    0:47   13:40  1:40
  43    8:47  6:13  8:20  4:13  1:53  0:47 10:13  2:13  4:07  5:27  5:27  5:20  2:07  3:47   13:40    2:47
  56   10:40  7:20  9:53 10:13  6:40  4:27  5:53  7:00  3:00  5:00  3:47  4:53 17:53  5:27    1:40  2:47  

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