Michael W. Fleming


Faculty of Computer Science

UNB home page

Address: Michael W. Fleming
Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5A3
E-mail:mwf [at] unb.ca


In 2024-2025, I will be on sabbatical leave from July until December. Upon my return, I will be teaching:

  • CS2333: Computability and Formal Languages (Winter 2025, Summer 2025)

Graduate supervision

  • Note to prospective graduate students: I will not be accepting any additional graduate students in 2024-2025.

Research Interests

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Preference elicitation
  • Decision theory
  • User modeling and adaptive systems
  • Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems
  • Human-computer interaction

Academic Background

B.Sc. (Mount Allison)
M.Math. (University of Waterloo)
Ph.D. (University of Waterloo)