UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ old/ cs6999/ seminar

Marking scheme for CS6999 Seminars (Presenting)

Criteria Excellent (3) Good (2) Minimally satisfactory (1) Needs improvement (0)
Content/Ideas Presents all the main ideas. Shows some depth. Puts the assigned text in context. Captures all of the main ideas, shows some command of the details. Captures all of the main ideas. Misses one or more of the main ideas.
Teaching Clear language, legible visuals. Noticable interaction. Helpful use of diagrams, demos, or other something else beyond bullet points. Language is clear. Visual aids (either projector or board) is legible. Some interaction with audience. Wording is precise, without excessive jargon. Prepared. Sloppy terminology or wording. Unprepared.