Homework #10: Extending a (byte code) continuation based interpreter
Out: Friday, March 31st, Due: Thursday, April 13th, 11:59pm


The language for this homework is:

#lang plait

In this assignment you will start with the interpreter from Lecture 18 and add some list-related primitives to it. Unlike Homework 8, we’ll be taking a dynamically typed approach, and allow things like e.g.

{rest {cons {fun {x} x} 1}}
to evaluate to 1.

Some preliminary changes have been made to the byte code FLANG interpreter for you

Part 1: Compilation to byte code for first and rest

Use the given tags tag:Cons, tag:First and tag:Rest for byte compiled syntax to update the compile function to pass the following tests:

(test (compile (parse `{cons 1 2}) (EmptyCompileEnv)) 4)
(test (vector-elements code-memory 0 7)
      (list tag:Num 1 tag:Num 2 tag:Cons 0 2))

(test (compile (parse `{first {cons 1 2}}) (EmptyCompileEnv)) 7)
(test (vector-elements code-memory 0 9)
      (list tag:Num 1 tag:Num 2 tag:Cons 0 2 tag:First 4))

(test (compile (parse `{rest {cons 1 2}}) (EmptyCompileEnv)) 7)
(test (vector-elements code-memory 0 9)
      (list tag:Num 1 tag:Num 2 tag:Cons 0 2 tag:Rest 4))

Part 2: Interpretation

Part 3: GC

Update move and update to handle the new tags you used above. You will have to take into account both the size and the shape (i.e. what is contained in each slot). One subtlty is that code references (i.e. indexes into code-memory) do not need to be relocated. A low level sanity check for the updated GC is as follows

(let ([result (run `{cons 2 {cons 1 0}})])
    (test (ref result 0) tag:ConsV)
    (test (read-int (ref result 1)) 2)
    (test (ref result 2) tag:ConsV)
    (test (ref v-reg 0) tag:ConsV)
    (test (read-int (ref v-reg 1)) 2)))

With the given definition of MEMORY-SIZE as 128, the following should pass, and invoke gc multiple times.

  `{{fun {mkrec}
       {{fun {sum} {sum {cons 4 {cons 3 {cons 2 {cons 1 empty}}}}}}
         {fun {sum}
              {fun {lst}
                   {if0 {non-empty? lst}
                        {+ {first lst} {sum {rest lst}}}}}}}}}
   {fun {body-proc}
       {{fun {fX} {fX fX}}
        {fun {fX} {body-proc {fun {x} {{fX fX} x}}}}}}}))


Make sure you have complete test coverage.

Define minutes-spent as the number of minutes you spent on your homework.