In this assignment you will implement an untyped version of the rec
discussed under
Typing Recursion
in the text.
You are given an
initial interpreter
that supports lam
, let1
, and if0
from the first 4 lectures. Some skeleton code has been added for rec
as well.
Hand in your work to the handin server via DrRacket (just like the lab tutorials) before 9:00PM on Tuesday, Feb 11.
A grading rubric is available.
Recursive environments
The most important change to support rec
in the initial interpreter
is change to the Env
type to support
(define-type-alias Env (Hashof Symbol (Boxof Value)))
(define mt-env (hash empty)) ;; "empty environment"
(define (extend old-env new-name value)
(hash-set old-env new-name (box value)))
(define (lookup (s : Symbol) (n : Env))
(type-case (Optionof (Boxof Value)) (hash-ref n s)
[(none) (error s "not bound")]
[(some b) (unbox b)]))
Using only box operations for mutatation, implement extend-rec
ensures functions can look themselves up in their environment value.
In particular your function should pass the following test.
This is essentially the same technique as
Self Reference using Mutation with set!
replaced by set-box!
(let* ([exp (parse `{lam x {f 0}})]
[env (extend-rec mt-env 'f exp)]
[fun (lookup 'f env)])
(test (funV-nv fun) env))
Recursive Binding
Use your extend-rec
function to complete the rec
case of interp
Your completed interpreter should pass (at least) the following tests
(test (run `{rec {f {lam x {+ x 1}}} {f 8}}) (numV 9))
(test (run `{rec {f {let1 {y 7} {lam x {+ x y}}}} {f 8}}) (numV 15))
(run `{rec {fact {lam n {if0 n 1 {* n {fact {- n 1}}}}}}
{fact 10}})
(numV 3628800))
{lam n
{if0 n 1
{if0 {- n 1} 1
{+ {fib {- n 1}}
{fib {- n 2}}}}}}}
{fib 6}})
(numV 13))
(run `{rec {sum {lam n {if0 n 0 {+ n {sum {- n 1}}}}}}
{sum 10}})
(numV 55))
Referring to the grading grading rubric for guidance, add any needed tests for your solution.