Professor | David Bremner | |
Office | ITC321 | |
Phone | 506-447-3300 | |
Instructor Email | bremner AT | Faster than phoning me. |
Professor | David Bremner | |
Office | ITC321 | |
Phone | 506-447-3300 | |
Instructor Email | bremner AT | Faster than phoning me. |
Labs | Monday 08:30 - 10:20, | |
Wednesday 08:30 - 10:20 |
Component | Number | Subtotal |
Journals | 3 | 12% |
Assignments | 5 | 25% |
Quizzes | 3 | 30% |
Final Exam | 1 | 30% |
Git Repo | 1 | 3% |
12% of the course mark will be based on journal kept about the scheduled labs. These journal entries will be marked partly on quality of technical writing. Students will be expected to read the lab description and carry out any prerequisite activities before the lab in question.
25% of the course mark will be based on assignments completed independantly.
Three programming quizzes will be held during scheduled lab times.
There will be a registrar scheduled final exam in this course. Like the quizzes, this will be held in the lab and involve programming. You are responsible for making sure your travel plans are compatible with the scheduling of the final exam.
The final state of your git repository will be worth 3% of your final mark.
To achieve a mark of higher than D
in the course, you must pass at
least 2 of the 4 lab tests (3 quizzes and final).
Rubrics are available for
All coursework in CS2613, including tests, will be submitted via git repositories operated by the Faculty of Computer Science
A tutorial on git will be offered in the first two labs of the course (L01 and L02) Like all material presented in the labs, you are responsible for this material whether you attend or not. This includes people who register late for the course.
Some hints about using git are available, including pointers to more documentation.
Technical difficulties with git will not be considered a valid excuse for late or missed work unless they affect the entire class (e.g. server downtime).
You will be marked on the quality of your git repository.
Access to the FCS git repos is available from all machines in FCS Linux Labs. Be aware of scheduled use of these labs when planning to work on or hand in coursework.
Remote access (either via lab machines or directly) to FCS git repos is available if you are connected to the UNB VPN.
All of the reference materials for this course are either in the UNB Library, or freely available on the net.
A reference for Git is Pro Git
The JavaScript part of the course will be based Eloquent Javascript. A Local Mirror exists for use in case of network problems (or during exams).
The MDN JavaScript Documentation is encyclopedic, and the best place to look if you can't find what you need in the text. There is a partial local copy for use during tests. It has a few rough edges, but all of the same text should be there.
There is also a local copy of Node.js API documentation, and of the ES2015 features reference
For the Octave part of the course, we will use some chapters from Gnu Octave: beginner's guide. We will also refer to the Gnu Octave Reference Manual
A local mirror of the Gnu Octave Reference Manual is available
The linear algebra background is covered in any linear algebra textbook. We'll refer to the online text by Ken Kuttler
The Python part of the course will be based on Practical Python. There is a local mirror.
A local mirror of the Python documentation is also available.
The Racket part of the course will be based on Functional Introduction to computer science. Local Mirror.
We will also refer to
Local copies of the racket documentation are available by running
$ raco doc
in any shell.
The following policy applies to all undergraduate and graduate courses taught by me in the current academic term.
Assignments will not be accepted after the posted date and time.
Tests must be completed at the scheduled time.
For the first test or assignment missed in the term for medical or compassionate reasons, a student declaration by email will suffice. Keep in mind that it is an academic offence to submit a false declaration.
For repeated or ongoing issues, or where the student is not comfortable explaining their situation to me, documentation should be obtained from Student Services. Currently, documentation is not required for COVID19 related absences.
In the case of appropriately documented medical or compassionate reasons, the weight of missed tests and assignments may, at my discretion, be redistributed to other components of the course. In general assignment marks will be distributed to assignments, and test marks to tests.
If you are going to miss a significant amount of lectures, an assignment or a test, contacting me by email beforehand will make things easier for both of us.
NOTE: Consideration of a request to withdraw
from a course or courses involved in an academic offence will not
be given until the case is resolved.
Academic offences include, but are not limited to, the
Plagiarism includes:
NOTE: In courses which include group work, a
penalty may be imposed on all members of the group unless an act of
plagiarism is identified clearly with an individual student or
In the case of plagiarism, the instructor must make every reasonable effort to discuss the case with the student or group and follow one of two courses of action:
Penalties for Deliberate Plagiarism
In case of deliberate plagiarism, the penalties are:
First Offence: If the student does not appeal or if, on appeal, the Committee upholds the instructor's allegation:
Subsequent Offence: In cases where the Committee considers that the student has plagiarized again:
The instructor and, where applicable, the invigilator or other appropriate person shall, where practical, discuss the matter with the student concerned.
The instructor or the instructor's representative, if satisfied that an academic offence has been committed, shall complete an academic offence incident report and shall submit it, together with attached information, to the Registrar. The Registrar shall report it to the Chair of the Department (where applicable) and the Dean of the Faculty concerned. Each case will be referred by the Registrar to the appropriate Committee for review and appropriate action. The Registrar shall inform the student by registered letter and/or electronic mail of the referral to the Committee, the student's right to respond, the wish of the Committee that the student be present when the case is heard, and the procedures involved. A copy of the academic offence report and attached information will be provided to the student in a timely manner. The student is urged to submit to the Committee a written statement regarding the case. A student responding to the decision, shall do so in writing within three weeks of the date of the Registrar's letter of notification.
A student who is found guilty of an academic offence will have two penalties imposed: