Before the lab
- Study for Quiz 1
- Read Values, Types and Operators
console.log("Hello world");
open a terminal, find the right directory
$ node hello-world.js
commit your file
Start Firefox
Open the "Web Console" with Ctrl-Shift-K (or navigate via the "hamburger menu" to "Web Developer -> Web Console" ).
Select the tab "Console"
Copy-paste the code in.
Start up a node repl
$ node
Load your code into the repl
> .load hello-world.js
Evaluate some expressions
> 1 + 1
> "Hello " + "world!"
make a new file ~/cs2613/labs/L08/expr.js
and fill in the JavaScript expressions
equivalent to the given Racket expressions.
.note that if you want to run your code from the command line, you'll need to use console.log
//(string-append "Hello\n" "world!")
//(* (+ 1 2 3) 7)
//(< 41 (* 6 7))
//(equal? (* (+ 1 2 3) 7) 42)
//(equal? "Spongebob" "Squarepants")
//(and (equal? (* 6 7) 42) (equal? "Spongebob" "Squarepants"))
//(equal? 42 (if (< 3 5) (* 6 7) "turnip"))
// (or #t (/ 1 0))
// (and #f (/ 1 0))
You will be given question(s) on paper.
Test cases will be available on-line after the start of the quiz.
Make sure you have any study materials in your home directory before the lab, as internet access will be restricted.