All coursework in CS2613, including tests, will be submitted via git repositories operated by the Faculty of Computer Science
A tutorial on git will be offered in the first two labs of the course (L01 and L02) Like all material presented in the labs, you are responsible for this material whether you attend or not. This includes people who register late for the course.
Some hints about using git are available, including pointers to more documentation.
Technical difficulties with git will not be considered a valid excuse for late or missed work unless they affect the entire class (e.g. server downtime).
You will be marked on the quality of your git repository.
Access to the FCS git repos is available from all machines in FCS Linux Labs. Be aware of scheduled use of these labs when planning to work on or hand in coursework.
Remote access (either via lab machines or directly) to FCS git repos is available if you are connected to the UNB VPN.