UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Operators/ Greater than (>)

The greater than (>) operator returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand, and false otherwise.


x > y


The operands are compared using the same algorithm as the Less than operator, except the two operands are swapped. x > y is generally equivalent to y < x, except that x > y coerces x to a primitive before y, while y < x coerces y to a primitive before x. Because coercion may have side effects, the order of the operands may matter.


String to string comparison

"a" > "b"; // false
"a" > "a"; // false
"a" > "3"; // true

String to number comparison

"5" > 3; // true
"3" > 3; // false
"3" > 5; // false

"hello" > 5; // false
5 > "hello"; // false

"5" > 3n; // true
"3" > 5n; // false

Number to Number comparison

5 > 3; // true
3 > 3; // false
3 > 5; // false

Number to BigInt comparison

5n > 3; // true
3 > 5n; // false

Comparing Boolean, null, undefined, NaN

true > false; // true
false > true; // false

true > 0; // true
true > 1; // false

null > 0; // false
1 > null; // true

undefined > 3; // false
3 > undefined; // false

3 > NaN; // false
NaN > 3; // false


Browser compatibility

See also