UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Operators/ Addition (+)

The addition (+) operator produces the sum of numeric operands or string concatenation.


x + y


The + operator is overloaded for two distinct operations: numeric addition and string concatenation. When evaluating, it first coerces both operands to primitives. Then, the two operands' types are tested:

String concatenation is often thought to be equivalent with template literals or String.prototype.concat(), but they are not. Addition coerces the expression to a primitive, which calls valueOf() in priority; on the other hand, template literals and concat() coerce the expression to a string, which calls toString() in priority. If the expression has a @@toPrimitive method, string concatenation calls it with "default" as hint, while template literals use "string". This is important for objects that have different string and primitive representations — such as Temporal, whose valueOf() method throws.

const t = Temporal.Now.instant();
"" + t; // Throws TypeError
`${t}`; // '2022-07-31T04:48:56.113918308Z'
"".concat(t); // '2022-07-31T04:48:56.113918308Z'

You are advised to not use "" + x to perform string coercion.


Number addition

// Number + Number -> addition
1 + 2; // 3

// Boolean + Number -> addition
true + 1; // 2

// Boolean + Boolean -> addition
false + false; // 0

BigInt addition

// BigInt + BigInt -> addition
1n + 2n; // 3n

// BigInt + Number -> throws TypeError
1n + 2; // TypeError: Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions

// To add a BigInt to a non-BigInt, convert either operand
1n + BigInt(2); // 3n
Number(1n) + 2; // 3

String concatenation

// String + String -> concatenation
"foo" + "bar"; // "foobar"

// Number + String -> concatenation
5 + "foo"; // "5foo"

// String + Boolean -> concatenation
"foo" + false; // "foofalse"

// String + Number -> concatenation
"2" + 2; // "22"


Browser compatibility

See also