UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ String/ String.prototype.link()

The link() method of String values creates a string that embeds this string in an element (<a href="...">str</a>), to be used as a hypertext link to another URL.

Note: All HTML wrapper methods are deprecated and only standardized for compatibility purposes. Use DOM APIs such as document.createElement() instead.




Return value

A string beginning with an <a href="url"> start tag (double quotes in url are replaced with &quot;), then the text str, and then an </a> end tag.


Using link()

The code below creates an HTML string and then replaces the document's body with it:

const contentString = "MDN Web Docs";

document.body.innerHTML = contentString.link("https://developer.mozilla.org/");

This will create the following HTML:

<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/">MDN Web Docs</a>

Instead of using link() and creating HTML text directly, you should use DOM APIs such as document.createElement(). For example:

const contentString = "MDN Web Docs";
const elem = document.createElement("a");
elem.href = "https://developer.mozilla.org/";
elem.innerText = contentString;


Browser compatibility

See also