UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ String/ String.prototype.fontsize()

The fontsize() method of String values creates a string that embeds this string in a element (<font size="...">str</font>), which causes this string to be displayed in the specified font size.

Note: All HTML wrapper methods are deprecated and only standardized for compatibility purposes. For the case of fontsize(), the <font> element itself has been removed from the HTML specification and shouldn't be used anymore. Web developers should use CSS properties instead.




Return value

A string beginning with a <font size="size"> start tag (double quotes in size are replaced with &quot;), then the text str, and then a </font> end tag.


The fontsize() method itself simply joins the string parts together without any validation or normalization. However, to create valid elements, When you specify size as an integer, you set the font size of str to one of the 7 defined sizes. You can specify size as a string such as "-2" or "+3" to adjust the font size of str relative to 3, the default value.


Using fontsize()

The code below creates an HTML string and then replaces the document's body with it:

const contentString = "Hello, world";

document.body.innerHTML = contentString.fontsize(7);

This will create the following HTML:

<font size="7">Hello, world</font>

Warning: This markup is invalid, because font is no longer a valid element.

Instead of using fontsize() and creating HTML text directly, you should use CSS to manipulate fonts. For example, you can manipulate through the attribute:

document.getElementById("yourElemId").style.fontSize = "7pt";


Browser compatibility

See also