UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ RegExp/ RegExp.prototype.compile()

Note: The compile() method is only specified for compatibility reasons. Using compile() causes the otherwise immutable regex source and flags to become mutable, which may break user expectations. You can use the RegExp() constructor to construct a new regular expression object instead.

The compile() method of RegExp instances is used to recompile a regular expression with new source and flags after the RegExp object has already been created.


compile(pattern, flags)


Return value

None (undefined).


Using compile()

The following example shows how to recompile a regular expression with a new pattern and a new flag.

const regexObj = new RegExp("foo", "gi");
regexObj.compile("new foo", "g");


Browser compatibility

See also