UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ Map/ Map.prototype.set()

The set() method of Map instances adds or updates an entry in this map with a specified key and a value.


set(key, value)


Return value

The Map object.


Using set()

const myMap = new Map();

// Add new elements to the map
myMap.set("bar", "foo");
myMap.set(1, "foobar");

// Update an element in the map
myMap.set("bar", "baz");

Using the set() with chaining

Since the set() method returns back the same Map object, you can chain the method call like below:

// Add new elements to the map with chaining.
myMap.set("bar", "foo").set(1, "foobar").set(2, "baz");


Browser compatibility

See also