UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ Intl/ Segmenter/ segment/ Segments/ Segments.prototype.containing()

The containing() method of Segments instances returns an object describing the segment in the string that includes the code unit at the specified index.




Return value

An object describing the segment of the original string with the following properties, or undefined if the supplied index value is out of bounds.


// ┃0 1 2 3 4 5┃6┃7┃8┃9  ← code unit index
// ┃A l l o n s┃-┃y┃!┃   ← code unit
const input = "Allons-y!";

const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", { granularity: "word" });
const segments = segmenter.segment(input);

let current = segments.containing();
// { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(4);
// { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(6);
// { index: 6, segment: "-", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// { index: 7, segment: "y", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// { index: 8, segment: "!", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// undefined


Browser compatibility

See also