UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ Intl/ DisplayNames/ Intl.DisplayNames.prototype.of()

The of() method of Intl.DisplayNames instances receives a code and returns a string based on the locale and options provided when instantiating this Intl.DisplayNames object.




Return value

A language-specific formatted string, or undefined if there's no data for the input and fallback is "none".

Note: fallback is only used if code is structurally valid. See using fallback.



Using the of method

const regionNames = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "region" });
regionNames.of("419"); // "Latin America"

const languageNames = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "language" });
languageNames.of("fr"); // "French"

const currencyNames = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "currency" });
currencyNames.of("EUR"); // "Euro"

Using fallback

When the Intl.DisplayNames is constructed with fallback: "code", the of() method will return the code if the input looks structurally valid but there's no data for the input. If fallback is "none", undefined is returned.

  new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "region", fallback: "code" }).of("ZL"),
); // "ZL"

  new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "region", fallback: "none" }).of("ZL"),
); // undefined

However, this only applies if the code is structurally valid. For example, if type is "region" but code does not follow the unicode_region_subtag grammar (2 alphabetic characters or 3 numeric characters), a RangeError is directly thrown instead of using the fallback.

  new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "region", fallback: "code" }).of("ZLC"),
); // throws RangeError: invalid value "ZLC" for option region


Browser compatibility

See also