UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ Error/ Error.prototype.name

The name data property of Error.prototype is shared by all Error instances. It represents the name for the type of error. For Error.prototype.name, the initial value is "Error". Subclasses like TypeError and SyntaxError provide their own name properties.


A string. For Error.prototype.name, the initial value is "Error".


By default, Error instances are given the name "Error". The name property, in addition to the message property, is used by the Error.prototype.toString method to create a string representation of the error.


Throwing a custom error

const e = new Error("Malformed input"); // e.name is 'Error'

e.name = "ParseError";
throw e;
// e.toString() would return 'ParseError: Malformed input'


Browser compatibility

See also