UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ Atomics/ Atomics.notify()

The Atomics.notify() static method notifies up some agents that are sleeping in the wait queue.

Note: This operation only works with an Int32Array or BigInt64Array that views a SharedArrayBuffer. It will return 0 on non-shared ArrayBuffer objects.


Atomics.notify(typedArray, index, count)


Return value



Using notify

Given a shared Int32Array:

const sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024);
const int32 = new Int32Array(sab);

A reading thread is sleeping and waiting on location 0 which is expected to be 0. As long as that is true, it will not go on. However, once the writing thread has stored a new value, it will be notified by the writing thread and return the new value (123).

Atomics.wait(int32, 0, 0);
console.log(int32[0]); // 123

A writing thread stores a new value and notifies the waiting thread once it has written:

console.log(int32[0]); // 0;
Atomics.store(int32, 0, 123);
Atomics.notify(int32, 0, 1);


Browser compatibility

See also