UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Errors/ ""RangeError:

The JavaScript exception "BigInt division by zero" occurs when a BigInt is divided by 0n.


RangeError: Division by zero (V8-based)
RangeError: BigInt division by zero (Firefox)
RangeError: 0 is an invalid divisor value. (Safari)

Error type


What went wrong?

The divisor of a division or remainder operator is 0n. In Number arithmetic, this produces Infinity, but there's no "infinity value" in BigInts, so an error is issued. Check if the divisor is 0n before doing the division.


Division by 0n

const a = 1n;
const b = 0n;
const quotient = a / b;
// RangeError: BigInt division by zero

Instead, check if the divisor is 0n first, and either issue an error with a better message, or fallback to a different value, like Infinity or undefined.

const a = 1n;
const b = 0n;
const quotient = b === 0n ? undefined : a / b;

See also