UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ tags/ university computing

This feed contains pages with tag "university_computing".

The Ottawa Citizen and CBC have coverage of the case of Mansour Moufid, who is alleged to have installed key-logging software and somehow reprogrammed magnetic student card-readers at Carleton. Mr. Moufid apparently faces criminal charges.

What makes it an interesting case from an ethics point of view is what Mr. Moufid did with the information he obtained, which was inform the university and his victims of the security weaknesses in the system.


The CBC reports on the punishment dealt out Mr. Moufid by Carleton. Personally

  1. I find odd that the letter is signed by the Associate Vice-President Student Services. I would expect student discipline to be a matter for the academics at the university.

  2. The requirement that Mr. Moufid allow computing and communication services to monitor his online activities as long as he is at Carleton rings several alarm bells. I think it is both unconscionable and an inappropriate quasi-judicial role for computing services.

Posted Tags: /tags/university computing

Concordia has taken the extraordinary step of blocking access to Facebook. The make the distinction between their wired network and the wireless one; I suspect the wireless one is outside some firewall.

I expect to hear more about this.

Posted Tags: /tags/university computing