This feed contains pages with tag "git".
Students will keep a record (a "journal" or "blog") of activities in the the CS2613 labs.
This journal will be worth 12% of your course mark in total.
The journal will be maintained using frog and git. See the first lab for a tutorial.
The marking rubric available
Each journal entry should be a minumum of 500 words and a (rough) maximum of 1000
You can think about your journal entry as a set of notes for a friend who missed this particular lab.
Your journal entry should answer the following questions
- What new concepts (if any) did you learn about in this lab?
- What concepts are familiar from other courses or from your own knowledge?
- What new skills did you practice?
- What specific details did you find surprising, interesting, confusing, difficult, or otherwise important?
- What explicit tasks (e.g. reading) were you given during this lab?
You are encouraged to link to other pages both inside and outside UNB in your journal entries.
Imagine a future employer reading your journal right before interviewing you. Write so that the person interviewing will think of you as a peer, rather than as an "annoying kid".
Your journal entry should use good spelling and grammar, including complete sentences and paragraphs.
A certain amount of point form is OK, but don't rely on it exclusively.
Try to keep a neutral tone. It's fine to record positive or negative opinions, but avoid ranting (or gushing).
Avoid overuse of emoticons or slang.
Handing it it
I recommend you commit and push some rough notes during the lab and edit them later.
You can commit and push as many times as you like. You will be marked on what is on the server at the time it is due.
By default your journal is only visible to the prof and the TA.
Create a separate post for each lab.
This journal entry must be in the standard directory, and must be named
.md or<date>-<title>
.scrbl where<date>
is the date of the corresponding lab. Any easy way to ensure this is to create the journal entry during the lab.Make sure you preview your journal entry to avoid obvious mistakes. You will lose marks for syntax errors.
CS2613 Journal batch 1
Thu 16 Jan 2025 04:30:00 PM
CS2613 Journal batch 2
Thu 30 Jan 2025 04:30:00 PM
CS2613 journal batch 3
Thu 03 Apr 2025 04:30:00 PM
- NMUed cdargs
- NMUed silversearcher-ag-el
- Uploaded the partially unbundled emacs-goodies-el to Debian unstable
- packaged and uploaded graphviz-dot-mode
- packaged and uploaded boxquote-el
- uploaded apache-mode-el
- Closed bugs in graphviz-dot-mode that were fixed by the new version.
- filed lintian bug about empty source package fields
- packaged and uploaded emacs-session
- worked on sponsoring tabbar-el
- uploaded dh-make-elpa
Wrote patch series to fix bug noticed by seanw while (seanw was) working working on a package inspired by policy workflow.
- Finished reviewing a patch series from dkg about protected headers.
Helped sean w find right config option for his bug report
Reviewed change proposal from aminb, suggested some issues to watch out for.
- Add test for threading issue.
- uploaded nullmailer backport
- add "envelopefilter" feature to remotes in nullmailer-ssh
- Tried to figure out what documented BibTeX syntax is.
- Looked at BibTeX source.
- Ran away.
- Forwarded #704527 to
- Uploaded libemail-abstract-perl to fix Vcs-* urls
- Updated debhelper compat and Standards-Version for libemail-thread-perl
- Uploaded libemail-thread-perl
- fixed RC bug #904727 (blocking for perl transition)
Policy and procedures
- seconded #459427
- seconded #813471
- seconded #628515
- read and discussed draft of salvaging policy with Tobi
- Discussed policy bug about short form License and License-Grant
- worked with Tobi on salvaging proposal
First, note that you can get documentation for a command such as
git log --graph
$ man git log
$ git help log
With the latter, you can use the manual viewer of your choice; see git-help(1) for more information.
The man pages are also available online version
A good reference for git (other than the man pages) is The Pro Git Book.
Initial configuration
It is a good idea to introduce yourself to Git with your name and email address before doing any operation. The easiest way to do so is:
$ git config "Your Name Comes Here"
$ git config
You may also want to configure an editor to use with git. The default on fcs-cs2613-dev is nano; most other places it is vim. Both are very fast to start up, but completely keyboard driven. If that doesn't suit you, you can configure the editor via
$ git config core.editor <something>
On the options for <something>
- nano
- vim
- emacs
- "gedit --wait"
You can optionally used git config --global
, but note this probably
won't work in an FCS VM.
Common Tasks
For a more detailed introduction, see gittutorial
To save your changes in the git database,
$ git add file
$ git commit file
First make sure the remote origin
is set up according to coursegit
$ git push origin main
All coursework in CS2613, including tests, will be submitted via git repositories operated by the Faculty of Computer Science
A tutorial on git will be offered in the first two labs of the course (L01 and L02) Like all material presented in the labs, you are responsible for this material whether you attend or not. This includes people who register late for the course.
Some hints about using git are available, including pointers to more documentation.
Technical difficulties with git will not be considered a valid excuse for late or missed work unless they affect the entire class (e.g. server downtime).
You will be marked on the quality of your git repository.
Access to the FCS git repos is available from all machines in FCS Linux Labs. Be aware of scheduled use of these labs when planning to work on or hand in coursework.
Remote access (either via lab machines or directly) to FCS git repos is available if you are connected to the UNB VPN.