First and Second Year Students
Some easier problems have been selected for people new to competitive programming. If you want, you may instead join the North American Qualifier Contest (see below).
First make an account on kattis
Then send email to David Bremner to be registered as a team of 1 person. Include a suggested team name (you can use your own name as a team name, but you can also choose something else). Please include your student id number and the email you used on Kattis in the email.
You will get an invite to join the UNBF Year 1 and 2 Fall Contest
North American Qualifier
This is the contest that will be used to select teams to send to the regionals.
First register at ICPC
Then send email to David Bremner to be registered as a team of 1 person. Include a suggested team name (you can use your own name as a team name, but you can also choose something else). Please include your student id number and the email you used on ICPC in the email.
Make sure you send email before midnight October 1.
ICPC regional
The ICPC satellite regional will be on November 10
Tentative site is Moncton.
More information will be available by mid October.