So you downloaded a file that might be signed by my gpg key, and you want to try to verify that.
First you need to get my public key.
gpg --keyserver --recv-key 784206AD
Then, check that the keyserver gave you the correct key
gpg --list-keys --with-fingerprint 784206AD
You should get a line like
Key fingerprint = 815B 6398 2A79 F8E7 C727 86C4 762B 57BB 7842 06AD
In the future you don't need to repeat those two steps (unless you are verifying a file signed by a different key, of course). Just run
gpg --verify foo.asc
where foo.asc is the file you are interested in. Note that if you want
to recreate the file foo for you as well as verify the signature, run
gpg foo.asc