UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ David Bremner's Blog
2D array C CGTA DAG FICS ILP JavaScript LP PostgreSQL SAT absolute value alacritty aljazeera alleged-humour amarok ampl android application argyll array arrays assigment assignment asymptotics asynchronous audio backtracking backup beamer bibutils binary file binding bipartite bitmap blogs blorg boolean boxes broadcasting buildinfo business caff cell array censorship circular class classes colorhug colour colour management column generation combinatorics cond conditionals continuation continuations convolution copying copying-collection coverage cpan cplusplus cs2613 cs2613 review cs3383 cs3383 lecture cs4613 csv dantzig data structure debian define definitions dict diet digikam divide and conquer djvu drracket duality duplicity dynamic-types dynamic dispatch dynamic memory allocation dynamic multithreaded dynamic programming emacs email encryption enumeration environments equality es2015 ethics events example exception exceptions expressions fibonacci file files find first class functions flow foldr fork-join forms free free-list frog function functional abstraction functions garbage collection gc gdb generational generators geometry git git-annex glpk glpsol gmpl gpg graph graphics greedy hack haha hardware hash-table haskell health records highlight horn-clause huffman hygiene ical ikiwiki image processing immutable data structures include file incremental-gc inheritance integer program intellectual property internet remembers interpreter issue tracking jasmine journal json jvm kitty knn labs latex lenovo let1 lexical scope life linear programming linearization linked list linux list lists literate programming local binding logrotate longest common subsequence m4a macro macros makefile manners mark-and-sweep marketing match matching matrix media memoization module modules mongolia mps mst multiple compilation units music natural numbers networking news nominal-types norm notmuch objects octave open-source open content opencl opencourseware optimization ordered lists org-mode oz packaging parsing pdf pdftk perl photo photography pictures pim plait planet pointers policy politics preprocessor privacy programming languages promise properties pushmi pytest python quilt quiz quoting racket racket functions racket lists racket structs racket syntax rackunit rant recursion regression repl reshaping rfc2822 rss safety sbuild scheduling scheme schroot security semantics separation set shlibs shortest path simplex slashdot slideshow slurm smol source-highlight spam spatial statistics sql sqlite ssh stack-based-gc stack-smash stacker static-types stepper strings struct structural-types structure structures subsets superfish svn syntactic-continuations syntax-rules syntax rule sysadmin tail-recursion tail recursion teaching test test coverage testing tests threshold topgit topological sort tuple tutorial two-space type type-calculator type-checker type-errors type-inference type-variants unification union union-types unit-test unit tests university university computing valgrind values varargin vcs-pkg vector vectorization visualization wanderlust web web programming whinge whistleblower x61 xml xorg yak-shaving

Welcome to my blog. Have a look at the most recent posts below, or browse the tag cloud on the right. An archive of all posts is also available.

My web pages are (still) in ikiwiki, but lately I have started authoring things like assignments and lectures in org-mode so that I can have some literate programming facilities. There is is org-mode export built-in, but it just exports source blocks as examples (i.e. unhighlighted verbatim). I added a custom exporter to mark up source blocks in a way ikiwiki can understand. Luckily this is not too hard the second time.

(with-eval-after-load "ox-md"
  (org-export-define-derived-backend 'ik 'md
    :translate-alist '((src-block . ik-src-block))
    :menu-entry '(?m 1 ((?i "ikiwiki" ik-export-to-ikiwiki)))))

(defun ik-normalize-language  (str)
   ((string-equal str "plait") "racket")
   ((string-equal str "smol") "racket")
   (t str)))

(defun ik-src-block (src-block contents info)
  "Transcode a SRC-BLOCK element from Org to beamer
         CONTENTS is nil.  INFO is a plist used as a communication
  (let* ((body  (org-element-property :value src-block))
         (lang  (ik-normalize-language (org-element-property :language src-block))))
    (format "[[!format <span class="error">Error: unsupported page format &#37;s</span>]]" lang body)))

(defun ik-export-to-ikiwiki
    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  "Export current buffer as an ikiwiki markdown file.
    See org-md-export-to-markdown for full docs"
  (require 'ox)
  (let ((file (org-export-output-file-name ".mdwn" subtreep)))
    (org-export-to-file 'ik file
      async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)))
Posted Fri 16 Feb 2024 12:01:00 PM Tags:

See web-stacker for the background.

yantar92 on #org-mode pointed out that a derived backend would be a cleaner solution. I had initially thought it was too complicated, but I have to agree the example in the org-mode documentation does pretty much what I need.

This new approach has the big advantage that the generation of URLs happens at export time, so it's not possible for the displayed program code and the version encoded in the URL to get out of sync.

;; derived backend to customize src block handling
(defun my-beamer-src-block (src-block contents info)
  "Transcode a SRC-BLOCK element from Org to beamer
         CONTENTS is nil.  INFO is a plist used as a communication
  (let ((attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex src-block :stacker)))
     (when (or (not attr) (string= attr "both"))
       (org-export-with-backend 'beamer src-block contents info))
     (when attr
       (let* ((body  (org-element-property :value src-block))
              (table '(? ?\n ?: ?/ ?? ?# ?[ ?] ?@ ?! ?$ ?& ??
                         ?( ?) ?* ?+ ?, ?= ?%))
              (slug (org-link-encode body table))
              (simplified (replace-regexp-in-string "[%]20" "+" slug nil 'literal)))
         (format "\n\\stackerlink{%s}" simplified))))))

(defun my-beamer-export-to-latex
    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  "Export current buffer as a (my)Beamer presentation (tex).
    See org-beamer-export-to-latex for full docs"
  (let ((file (org-export-output-file-name ".tex" subtreep)))
    (org-export-to-file 'my-beamer file
      async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)))

(defun my-beamer-export-to-pdf
    (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  "Export current buffer as a (my)Beamer presentation (PDF).
  See org-beamer-export-to-pdf for full docs."
  (let ((file (org-export-output-file-name ".tex" subtreep)))
    (org-export-to-file 'my-beamer file
      async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist

(with-eval-after-load "ox-beamer"
  (org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-beamer 'beamer
    :translate-alist '((src-block . my-beamer-src-block))
    :menu-entry '(?l 1 ((?m "my beamer .tex" my-beamer-export-to-latex)
                        (?M "my beamer .pdf" my-beamer-export-to-pdf)))))

An example of using this in an org-document would as below. The first source code block generates only a link in the output while the last adds a generated link to the normal highlighted source code.

* Stuff
** Frame
#+attr_latex: :stacker t
#+NAME: last
#+BEGIN_SRC stacker :eval no

#+name: smol-example
#+BEGIN_SRC stacker :noweb yes
  (defvar x 1)
  (deffun (f)
    (let ([y 2])
      (deffun (h)
        (+ x y))

** Another Frame 
#+ATTR_LATEX: :stacker both
#+begin_src smol :noweb yes
Posted Wed 27 Dec 2023 03:15:00 PM Tags:

The Emacs part is superceded by a cleaner approach

I the upcoming term I want to use KC Lu's web based stacker tool.

The key point is that it takes (small) programs encoded as part of the url.

Yesterday I spent some time integrating it into my existing org-beamer workflow.

In my init.el I have

(defun org-babel-execute:stacker (body params)
  (let* ((table '(? ?\n ?: ?/ ?? ?# ?[ ?] ?@ ?! ?$ ?& ??
                    ?( ?) ?* ?+ ?, ?= ?%))
         (slug (org-link-encode body table))
         (simplified (replace-regexp-in-string "[%]20" "+" slug nil 'literal)))
    (format "\\stackerlink{%s}" simplified)))

This means that when I "execute" the block below with C-c C-c, it updates the link, which is then embedded in the slides.

#+begin_src stacker :results value latex :exports both
  (deffun (f x)
    (let ([y 2])
      (+ x y)))
  (f 7)
#+begin_export latex

The \stackerlink macro is probably fancier than needed. One could just use \href from hyperref.sty, but I wanted to match the appearence of other links in my documents (buttons in the margins).

This is based on a now lost answer from stackoverflow.com; I think it wasn't this one, but you get the main idea: use \hyper@normalise.

% define \stacker@base appropriately
    \coordinate (here) at (0,0);%
    \draw (current page.south west |- here)%
    node[xshift=2ex,yshift=3.5ex,fill=magenta,inner sep=1pt]%
    {\hyper@linkurl{\tiny\textcolor{white}{stacker}}{\stacker@base?program=#1}}; %
Posted Wed 27 Dec 2023 12:01:00 PM Tags:

Problem description(s)

For some of its cheaper dedicated servers, OVH does not provide a KVM (in the virtual console sense) interface. Sometimes when a virtual console is provided, it requires a horrible java applet that won't run on modern systems without a lot of song and dance. Although OVH provides a few web based ways of installing,

  • I prefer to use the debian installer image I'm used to and trust, and
  • I needed some way to debug a broken install.

I have only tested this in the OVH rescue environment, but the general approach should work anywhere the rescue environment can install and run QEMU.

QEMU to the rescue

Initially I was horrified by the ovh forums post but eventually I realized it not only gave a way to install from a custom ISO, but provided a way to debug quite a few (but not all, as I discovered) boot problems by using the rescue env (which is an in-memory Debian Buster, with an updated kernel). The original solution uses VNC but that seemed superfluous to me, so I modified the procedure to use a "serial" console.


  • Set up a default ssh key in the OVH web console
  • (re)boot into rescue mode
  • ssh into root@yourhost (you might need to ignore changing host keys)
  • cd /tmp
  • You will need qemu (and may as well use kvm). ovmf is needed for a UEFI bios.
    apt install qemu-kvm ovmf
  • Download the netinstaller iso
  • Download vmlinuz and initrd.gz that match your iso. In my case:


Doing the install

  • Boot the installer in qemu. Here the system has two hard drives visible as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb.
qemu-system-x86_64               \
   -enable-kvm                    \
   -nographic \
   -m 2048                         \
   -bios /usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd  \
   -drive index=0,media=disk,if=virtio,file=/dev/sda,format=raw  \
   -drive index=1,media=disk,if=virtio,file=/dev/sdb,format=raw  \
   -cdrom debian-bookworm-DI-alpha2-amd64-netinst.iso \
   -kernel ./vmlinuz \
   -initrd ./initrd.gz \
   -append console=ttyS0,9600,n8
  • Optionally follow Debian wiki to configure root on software raid.
  • Make sure your disk(s) have an ESP partition.
  • qemu and d-i are both using Ctrl-a as a prefix, so you need to C-a C-a 1 (e.g.) to switch terminals
  • make sure you install ssh server, and a user account

Before leaving the rescue environment

  • You may have forgotten something important, no problem you can boot the disks you just installed in qemu (I leave the apt here for convenient copy pasta in future rescue environments).
apt install qemu-kvm ovmf && \
qemu-system-x86_64               \
   -enable-kvm                    \
   -nographic \
   -m 2048                         \
   -bios /usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd  \
   -drive index=0,media=disk,if=virtio,file=/dev/sda,format=raw  \
   -drive index=1,media=disk,if=virtio,file=/dev/sdb,format=raw  \
   -nic user,hostfwd=tcp: \
   -boot c
  • One important gotcha is that the installer guess interface names based on the "hardware" it sees during the install. I wanted the network to work both in QEMU and in bare hardware boot, so I added a couple of link files. If you copy this, you most likely need to double check the PCI paths. You can get this information, e.g. from udevadm, but note you want to query in rescue env, not in QEMU, for the second case.

  • /etc/systemd/network/50-qemu-default.link


  • /etc/systemd/network/50-hardware-default.link

  • Then edit /etc/network/interfaces to refer to lan0
Posted Sat 01 Apr 2023 09:34:00 PM Tags:

Spiffy new terminal emulators seem to come with their own terminfo definitions. Venerable hosts that I ssh into tend not to know about those. kitty comes with a thing to transfer that definition, but it breaks if the remote host is running tcsh (don't ask). Similary the one liner for alacritty on the arch wiki seems to assume the remote shell is bash. Forthwith, a dumb shell script that works to send the terminfo of the current terminal emulator to the remote host.

EDIT: Jakub Wilk worked out this can be replaced with the oneliner

infocmp | ssh $host tic -x -

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
    printf "usage: sendterminfo host\n"
    exit 1

filename=$(mktemp terminfoXXXXXX)

cleanup () {
    rm "$filename"

trap cleanup EXIT

infocmp > "$filename"

remotefile=$(ssh "$host" mktemp)

scp -q "$filename" "$host:$remotefile"
ssh "$host" "tic -x \"$remotefile\""
ssh "$host" rm "$remotefile"
Posted Sun 25 Dec 2022 12:30:00 PM Tags:

Unfortunately schroot does not maintain CPU affinity 1. This means in particular that parallel builds have the tendency to take over an entire slurm managed server, which is kindof rude. I haven't had time to automate this yet, but following demonstrates a simple workaround for interactive building.

╭─ simplex:~
╰─% schroot --preserve-environment -r -c polymake
(unstable-amd64-sbuild)bremner@simplex:~$ echo $SLURM_CPU_BIND_LIST
(unstable-amd64-sbuild)bremner@simplex:~$ grep Cpus /proc/self/status
Cpus_allowed:   ffff,ffffffff,ffffffff
Cpus_allowed_list:      0-79
(unstable-amd64-sbuild)bremner@simplex:~$ taskset $SLURM_CPU_BIND_LIST bash
(unstable-amd64-sbuild)bremner@simplex:~$ grep Cpus /proc/self/status
Cpus_allowed:   5555,55555555,55555555
Cpus_allowed_list:      0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66,68,70,72,74,76,78

Next steps

In principle the schroot configuration parameter can be used to run taskset before every command. In practice it's a bit fiddly because you need a shell script shim (because the environment variable) and you need to e.g. goof around with bind mounts to make sure that your script is available in the chroot. And then there's combining with ccache and eatmydata...

Posted Tue 01 Jun 2021 12:30:00 PM Tags:


So apparently there's this pandemic thing, which means I'm teaching "Alternate Delivery" courses now. These are just like online courses, except possibly more synchronous, definitely less polished, and the tuition money doesn't go to the College of Extended Learning. I figure I'll need to manage share videos, and our learning management system, in the immortal words of Marie Kondo, does not bring me joy. This has caused me to revisit the problem of sharing large files in an ikiwiki based site (like the one you are reading).

My goto solution for large file management is git-annex. The last time I looked at this (a decade ago or so?), I was blocked by git-annex using symlinks and ikiwiki ignoring them for security related reasons. Since then two things changed which made things relatively easy.

  1. I started using the rsync_command ikiwiki option to deploy my site.

  2. git-annex went through several design iterations for allowing non-symlink access to large files.


In my ikiwiki config

    # attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files)
    hardlink => 1,

In my ikiwiki git repo

$ git annex init
$ git annex add foo.jpg
$ git commit -m'add big photo'
$ git annex adjust --unlock                 # look ikiwiki, no symlinks
$ ikiwiki --setup ~/.config/ikiwiki/client  # rebuild my local copy, for review
$ ikiwiki --setup /home/bremner/.config/ikiwiki/rsync.setup --refresh  # deploy

You can see the result at photo

Posted Sat 18 Jul 2020 09:09:00 AM Tags:

I have lately been using org-mode literate programming to generate example code and beamer slides from the same source. I hit a wall trying to re-use functions in multiple files, so I came up with the following hack. Thanks 'ngz' on #emacs and Charles Berry on the org-mode list for suggestions and discussion.

(defun db-extract-tangle-includes ()
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (let ((case-fold-search t)
        (retval nil))
    (while (re-search-forward "^#[+]TANGLE_INCLUDE:" nil t)
      (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
        (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'keyword)
          (push (org-element-property :value element) retval))))

(defun db-ob-tangle-hook ()
  (let ((includes (db-extract-tangle-includes)))
    (mapc #'org-babel-lob-ingest includes)))

(add-hook 'org-babel-pre-tangle-hook #'db-ob-tangle-hook t)

Use involves something like the following in your org-file.

#+SETUPFILE: presentation-settings.org
#+SETUPFILE: tangle-settings.org
#+TANGLE_INCLUDE: lecture21.org
#+TITLE: GC V: Mark & Sweep with free list

For batch export with make, I do something like [[!format Error: unsupported page format make]]


I previously posted about my extremely quick-and-dirty buildinfo database using buildinfo-sqlite. This year at DebConf, I re-implimented this using PostgreSQL backend, added into some new features.

There is already buildinfo and buildinfos. I was informed I need to think up a name that clearly distinguishes from those two. Thus I give you builtin-pho.

There's a README for how to set up a local database. You'll need 12GB of disk space for the buildinfo files and another 4GB for the database (pro tip: you might want to change the location of your PostgreSQL data_directory, depending on how roomy your /var is)

Demo 1: find things build against old / buggy Build-Depends

select distinct p.source,p.version,d.version, b.path
      binary_packages p, builds b, depends d
      p.suite='sid' and b.source=p.source and
      b.arch_all and p.arch = 'all'
      and p.version = b.version
      and d.id=b.id and d.depend='dh-elpa'
      and d.version < debversion '1.16'

Demo 2: find packages in sid without buildinfo files

select distinct p.source,p.version
      binary_packages p
        select p.source,p.version
from binary_packages p, builds b
      and p.version=b.version
      and ( (b.arch_all and p.arch='all') or
            (b.arch_amd64 and p.arch='amd64') )


Work in progress by an SQL newbie.

Posted Tue 23 Jul 2019 12:00:00 AM Tags:

1 Background

Apparently motivated by recent phishing attacks against @unb.ca addresses, UNB's Integrated Technology Services unit (ITS) recently started adding banners to the body of email messages. Despite (cough) several requests, they have been unable and/or unwilling to let people opt out of this. Recently ITS has reduced the size of banner; this does not change the substance of what is discussed here. In this blog post I'll try to document some of the reasons this reduces the utility of my UNB email account.

2 What do I know about email?

I have been using email since 1985 1. I have administered my own UNIX-like systems since the mid 1990s. I am a Debian Developer 2. Debian is a mid-sized organization (there are more Debian Developers than UNB faculty members) that functions mainly via email (including discussions and a bug tracker). I maintain a mail user agent (informally, an email client) called notmuch 3. I administer my own (non-UNB) email server. I have spent many hours reading RFCs 4. In summary, my perspective might be different than an enterprise email adminstrator, but I do know something about the nuts and bolts of how email works.

3 What's wrong with a helpful message?

3.1 It's a banner ad.

I don't browse the web without an ad-blocker and I don't watch TV with advertising in it. Apparently the main source of advertising in my life is a service provided by my employer. Some readers will probably dispute my description of a warning label inserted by an email provider as "advertising". Note that is information inserted by a third party to promote their own (well intentioned) agenda, and inserted in an intentionally attention grabbing way. Advertisements from charities are still advertisements. Preventing phishing attacks is important, but so are an almost countless number of priorities of other units of the University. For better or worse those units are not so far able to insert messages into my email. As a thought experiment, imagine inserting a banner into every PDF file stored on UNB servers reminding people of the fiscal year end.

3.2 It makes us look unprofessional.

Because the banner is contained in the body of email messages, it almost inevitably ends up in replies. This lets funding agencies, industrial partners, and potential graduate students know that we consider them as potentially hostile entities. Suggesting that people should edit their replies is not really an acceptable answer, since it suggests that it is acceptable to download the work of maintaining the previous level of functionality onto each user of the system.

3.3 It doesn't help me

I have an archive of 61270 email messages received since 2003. Of these 26215 claim to be from a unb.ca address 5. So historically about 42% of the mail to arrive at my UNB mailbox is internal 6. This means that warnings will occur in the majority of messages I receive. I think the onus is on the proposer to show that a warning that occurs in the large majority of messages will have any useful effect.

3.4 It disrupts my collaboration with open-source projects

Part of my job is to collaborate with various open source projects. A prominent example is Eclipse OMR 7, the technological driver for a collaboration with IBM that has brought millions of dollars of graduate student funding to UNB. Git is now the dominant version control system for open source projects, and one popular way of using git is via git-send-email 8

Adding a banner breaks the delivery of patches by this method. In the a previous experiment I did about a month ago, it "only" caused the banner to end up in the git commit message. Those of you familiar with software developement will know that this is roughly the equivalent of walking out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe. You'd rather avoid it, but it's not fatal. The current implementation breaks things completely by quoted-printable re-encoding the message. In particular '=' gets transformed to '=3D' like the following

-+    gunichar *decoded=g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast (utf8_str, -1, NULL);
-+    const gunichar *p = decoded;
++    gunichar *decoded=3Dg_utf8_to_ucs4_fast (utf8_str, -1, NULL);

I'm not currently sure if this is a bug in git or some kind of failure in the re-encoding. It would likely require an investment of several hours of time to localize that.

3.5 It interferes with the use of cryptography.

Unlike many people, I don't generally read my email on a phone. This means that I don't rely on the previews that are apparently disrupted by the presence of a warning banner. On the other hand I do send and receive OpenPGP signed and encrypted messages. The effects of the banner on both signed and encrypted messages is similar, so I'll stick to discussing signed messages here. There are two main ways of signing a message. The older method, still unfortunately required for some situations is called "inline PGP". The signed region is re-encoded, which causes gpg to issue a warning about a buggy MTA 9, namely gpg: quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used. This is not exactly confidence inspiring. The more robust and modern standard is PGP/MIME. Here the insertion of a banner does not provoke warnings from the cryptography software, but it does make it much harder to read the message (before and after screenshots are given below). Perhaps more importantly it changes the message from one which is entirely signed or encrypted 10, to one which is partially signed or encrypted. Such messages were instrumental in the EFAIL exploit 11 and will probably soon be rejected by modern email clients.


Figure 1: Intended view of PGP/MIME signed message


Figure 2: View with added banner



On Multics, when I was a high school student


IETF Requests for Comments, which define most of the standards used by email systems.


possibly overcounting some spam as UNB originating email


In case it's not obvious dear reader, communicating with the world outside UNB is part of my job.


Some important projects function exclusively that way. See https://git-send-email.io/ for more information.


Mail Transfer Agent

Author: David Bremner

Created: 2019-05-22 Wed 17:04


Posted Wed 22 May 2019 12:00:00 AM Tags:

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