HPCS 2002
The 16th Annual International Symposium on High Performance
Computing Systems and Applications
June 17-19, 2002
Delta Beauséjour Hotel
Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada
The symposium covers all aspects of high performance computing, both
applied and theoretical, viewed from four perspectives:
Parallel Architectures and Networking
Software Systems
Parallel Algorithms
For topics see the program summary.
Moncton is the premier tourist
destination in Atlantic Canada. Located near the Bay of Fundy,
one of the marine wonders of the world. It has the highest tides
in the world, the greatest variety of whales, sandy beaches and lobster
dinners. |
Conference Chair
Organizing Committee
Aubanel É., University of New
Bhavsar V., Université of New
Hervet E, Université de
Kardouchi M, Université
de Moncton
Lê, T. H., Université
de Moncton,
LeBlanc F., Université
de Moncton
Moghrabi C., Université
de Moncton
St-Cyr D., Université de
Left to Right: M. Kardouchi, C. Moghrabi, E. Hervet, D. St Cyr, V. Bhavsar,
J. Almhana, T.H. Lê, E. Aubanel, F. Leblanc
Aubanel and Eric Hervet |