
1995- 2000

Ghorbani, A.A. and V.C. Bhavsar, "Incremental Communication for Multilayer Neural Networks", IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 1375-1385, Nov. 1995.

Turner, C.J., V.C. Bhavsar and P.R. Pochec, "Parallel Implementations of Convolution and Moments Algorithms on a Multi-transputer System", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 283-290, June 1995.

Goldfarb, L., J. Abela, V.C. Bhavsar and V.N. Kamat, "Can a Vector Space based Learning Model Discover Inductive Class Generalization in a Symbolic Environment?", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 719-726, 1995.

L. Goldfarb, S.S. Deshpande, V.C. Bhavsar, "Inductive Theory of Vision," Workshop on "What is Inductive Learning? On the Foundations of AI and Cognitive Science." Held inconjunction with the 11th Biennial Canadian AI Conference (AI'96), Toronto, ON, May 20-21, 1996.

B.J. d'Auriol and V.C. Bhavsar, "Multicomputer Implementations of Systolic Computations: A Unified Approach", 10th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computers (HPCS'96), Ottawa, CD ROM, ISBN 0-88629-301-4, IEEE Canada, June 5-7, 1996.

C. Gobrecht, V.C. Bhavsar and C. Ware, "PVMtrace: A 3-D Distributed Program Visualizer", Proc. of the 10th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computers (HPCS'96), Ottawa, CD ROM, ISBN 0-88629-301-4, IEEE Canada, June 5-7, 1996.

B.J. d'Auriol and V.C. Bhavsar, "Generic Program Representation and Evaluation of Systolic Computations on Multicomputers", International Conference on ‘Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'96) New Horizons', Sunnyvale, CA, H.R. Arabnia (Ed.), Vol. III, pp. 1213-1224, 1996.

R. Doctor, A. Saurabh, A.S. Chandrasekhar, V.C. Bhavsar, U.G. Gujar, J. Almhana, "Transliteration for GIS Applications: A Case Study", Proc. of International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications (NLP & IA 96), Moncton, NB, June 4-6, 1996, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB, Vol. I, pp. 67-73, June 1996.

Ali A. Ghorbani and V.C. Bhavsar, "Limited Precision Incremental Communication: Error Analysis", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'96), Washington D.C., June 2-6, 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 1127-1132, June 1996.

d'Auriol, B.J. and V.C. Bhavsar, "COMMAN - A Communication Analyzer for Occam 2", Transputer Communications, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 151-167, July 1996.

R. Sarno, V.C. Bhavsar and E.M.A. Hussein, "A Comparison of Vectorizable Discrete Sampling Methods in Monte Carlo Applications", Int. J. of High Speed Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 295-305, 1996.

J. Fritz and V.C. Bhavsar, "Performance Support for Web-based Applications: An Example of Mathematics Support, " Poster Session and Abstract, The First Annual Conference of the TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence, Montreal, PQ, Nov. 6-8, 1996.

R. Nezami, V.C. Bhavsar, and A. A. Ghorbani, "An Incremental Parallel Tangent Learning Algorithm for Artificial Neural Networks," 1997 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, St. John's, NF, Canada, May 25-28, 1997, pp. 301-304, May 1997.

R. Nezami, V.C. Bhavsar, J. M. Fritz, U.G. Gujar, "DiscMath: A Web-based Intelligent Tutoring System for Discrete Mathematics," Poster Session and Abstract, TeleLearning'97 – The Second Annual Conference of the TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence, Toronto, ON, Nov. 4-7, 1997.

Ali A. Ghorbani and V.C. Bhavsar, "Incremental Communication for Multilayer Neural Networks: Error Analysis", IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 68-82, January 1998.

B. J. d'Auriol and V. C. Bhavsar, "Generic Program Structures Induced by Partitions of a Systolic Computation Graph, " Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, IASTEAD, Las Vegas, October 28-31, 1998.

L. Goldfarb, S.S. Deshpande and V.C. Bhavsar, "Inductive Theory of Vision", Pattern Recognition,accepted for publication, August 1997 (to appear).

V.C. Bhavsar, A.A. Ghorbani and L. Goldfarb, "Artificial Neural Networks are Not Learning Machines," Pattern Recognition, accepted for publication, August 1997 (to appear).

B.J. d'Auriol and V. C. Bhavsar, "Generic Concurrent Modules for Systolic Computations," Proc. of 1999 International Conference on Paralel Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99), Las Vegas, NV, June 28-July1, 1999, pp.2012-2018, 1999.

S. Naik and V.C. Bhavsar, "Benchmarking of IBM SP2 using Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Software System," Poster Session, The 13th Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, June 13 - 16, 1999.

V.C. Bhavsar, L. Goldfarb and A. Mironov, “Typed Tree Automata,” ", Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Technical Rep. TR 99-126, October 1999.

V.C. Bhavsar, A.A. Ghorbani, and  S. Marsh, "A Performance Evaluation of the ACON Architecture," presented at the Annual APICS Conference, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF, October 1999.

M. Chen, A.A. Ghorbani, and V.C. Bhavsar, "Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks using Incremental Communication," Technical Report, Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, December 15, 1999.  

Bhavsar, V.C., Ghorbani, A.A., and Goldfarb L., "Inductive Learning Inability of Artificial Neural Networks", Proc. of 2000 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. 712-716, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, CD-ROM, IEEE Catalog Number 00TH8492C, and ISBN 0-7803-5958-5, May 7-10, 2000.  

A. Mironov and V.C. Bhavsar, “ A New Approach to Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems”, Faculty of Computer Science University of New Brunswick, Technical Rep. TR98-120, June 2000.

G.G. Meldrum and V.C. Bhavsar, "Parallel Processing of the Evolving Tree Transformation System," Proc of the 12th Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications (HPCS'99), Queen's University, Kingston, ON, June 13-16, 1999; appears in the ‘High Performance Computing Systems and Applications’ A. Pollard, D.J.K. Mewhort and D.F. Weaver (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., Boston, MA, 2000, ISBN 07923-7774-5, Chapter 20, pp. 153-168, 2000.

 H. Yu, A.A. Ghorbani, V.C. Bhavsar, and S. Marsh, “Keyphrase-Based Information Sharing in the ACORN Multi-Agent Architecture,” Proceedings of MATA 2000, Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications September 18-20, 2000, Paris, France, Horlait, Eric (Ed.), Springer LNCS 1931, pp. 245-258, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, September 2000.