B.J. d'Auriol, V.C. Bhavsar, and L. Goldfarb, "Systalic Array Implementation for Reconfigurable Learning
Machines on Transputers", Proc. of
"Supercomputing Symposium '91", Fredericton, N.B., June 3-5, 1991,
(Eds.) V.C. Bhavsar and U.G. Gujar, Univeristy of New
Brunswick Press, pp. 105-119. June 1991.
Viswanathan, J. Sheshadri, S. Joshi, S.B. Oagle and V.C. Bhavsar, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation
of Semiconductor Sufaces on a Transputer
Array - A Performance Analysis", ibid. pp. 135-137, June 1991.
R. Sarno, V.C. Bhavsar and E. M. A. Hussein, "Monte Carlo
Solutions of Linear Equations using Weighted Sampling", ibid. pp. 151-163,
June 1991.
U.G. Gujar,
V.C. Bhavsar and N. Vagala, "SANSAR: A System
for Visualization of Fractals", ibid. pp. 193-205, June 1991.
V.C. Bhavsar,
U.G. Gujar, V. Woo and E.M.A. Hussein, "Performance of Vectorization
Techniques for Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code on IBM 3090-120VF",
ibid. pp. 527-528, June 1991.
J.A. McMahon,
M.A. Pothier and V.C. Bhavsar, "Systolic VLSI
Arrays for the Metric Approach to Pattern Recognition" Proc. of CCVLSI'91,
Queens University, Kingston, Aug. 25-27, pp. 4A3.1 - 4A3.8, June 1991.
B.J. d'Auriol, V.C. Bhavsar, and L. Goldfarb, "Multi-Transputer Implementations of the Metric Approach to
Pattern Recognition using Weighted Lerenshtein
Distance", in 'Applications of Transputers 3',
Vol. II, (Eds.) T.S. Durrani et al., IOS Press,
Amsterdam, pp. 388-393, Aug. 1991.
Gujar, U.G.,
and V.C. Bhavsar, "Fractals from z¬za+c in
the Complex c-Plane", Computers and Graphics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 441-449,
U.G Gujar,
V.C. Bhavsar and S.Y.M. Choi, "Segment Traversal Strategies for Geometric
Fractals", Abstract, Conference on 'Fractals in Engineering', Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal,
June 3-5, 1992, pp. 74-75, June 1992.
J.A., M.A. Pothier and V.C. Bhavsar, "Systolic
VLSI Arrays for the Metric Approach to Pattern Recognition",
Microelectronics J., Vol. 23, No. 5, pp 345-354, Aug. 1992.
C. Turner,
V.C. Bhavsar and P. Pochec, "Multi-Transputer Implementations of Some Feature Extraction
Algorithms", Proc. of International Conference on Robotics, Automation and
Computer Vision '92 (ICARCV'92) Singapore, 15-18 Sept. 1992.
A. Ghorbani and V.C. Bhavsar, "Incremental Inter-Node
Communication in Artificial Neural Networks", Proc. of the International
Conference on Robotics, Automation and Computer Vision '92 (ICARCV'92)
Singapore, 15-18 Sept. 1992.
U.G. Gujar,
V.C. Bhavsar and L. Wu, "An Extended Unified Interpolation Model for 3-D
Object Generation", Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Engineering
Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 17-21,
1992, V.O. Thomas and W.P. Lewis (Ed.), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
Melbourne, Vol I, pp. 235-239, Aug. 1992.
B.J. d'Auriol and V.C. Bhavsar, "Evaluation of the Multi-Transputer Implementations of the Weighted Levenshtein Distance Computation", Proc of
International Conference on Parallel Computing and Transputer
Applications '92 (PACTA'92) Barcelona, Spain, 21-25 Sept. 1992, published as
'Parallel Computing and Transputer Applications',
Part II, Ed. M. Valero et al., IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 879-888, Sept. 1992.
Gujar, UG., V.C. Bhavsar, and N. Vangala, "Fractal Images from
z¬za+c in the complex z-Plane", Computers
and Graphics, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 45-49, 1992.
B.J. d'Auriol and V.C.Bhavsar,
"Systolic and Wavefront Algorithms on
Distributed Memory, Multiprocessor Computers", in Proc. 'SS'93: High
Performance Computing-New Horizons", June 6 - 9 ,1993,
L.Bauwens(Ed.), The University of Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, pp. 47 - 54, 1993.
M. Gemmell and V.C. Bhavsar, "Parallel Implementation of
Artificial Neural Networks", in Proc. 'SS'93: High Performance
Computing-New Horizons", June 6 - 9 ,1993, L. Bauwens (Ed.), The University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
pp. 255 - 262, 1993.
V. Kamat, V.C. Bhavsar and L.Goldfarb,
" Learning Handwritten Characters Using Tree Edit Distances", in
Proc.5th UNB AI Symposium, Aug. 12 - 14, 1993, Fredericton, N.B., Canada, L.Goldfarb (Ed.), UNB Press, pp. 85-98, Aug. 1993.
A. Ghorbani and V.C. Bhavsar, "Artificial Neural Networks
with Incremental Communication on Parallel Computers ", Proc.5th UNB AI
Symposium, Aug. 12 - 14, 1993, Fredericton, N.B., Canada, L. Goldfarb (Ed.),
UNB Press, pp. 15-27, Aug. 1993.
Gujar, U.G., V.C.Bhavsar, S.Choi, and P.K. Kalra, "Traversed Geometric Fractals", IEEE
Computer Graphics and Application, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 61-67, Sept. 1993.
V.N. Kamat, V.C. Bhavsar and L. Goldfarb, "Learning
Machines based on the Evolving Transformation Model", Proc. of 1993 DND
Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Knowledge Based Systems and Robotics,
Ottawa, Nov. 14-17, 1993.
V.N. Kamat, V.C. Bhavsar and L. Goldfarb, "Architecture of
a Reconfigurable Learning Machine", Proc. of the Indo-US Workshop on
'Parallel and Distributed Signal and Image Integration Problems', Dec. 16-18,
1993, Pune, India, R.N. Madan, N.S.V. Rao, V.P. Bhatkar
and L.M. Patnaik (Eds.), World Scientific Pub., pp. 128-153, 1993.
Dhurandhar, S.V., V.C. Bhavsar,
and U.G. Gujar, "Analysis of z-Plane Fractal Images from the z¬za+c for a<0", Computers and Graphics, Vol.
17, No. 1, pp. 89 - 94, 1993.
V.C., U.G. Gujar and N. Vangala, "Vectorization Techniques for Algebraic
Fractals", Computers and Graphics, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 169 - 174, 1993.
K. Marinelli, U.G. Gujar and V.C. Bhavsar,
"Ball-and-Stick Model for Soft Objects:, Proceedings of 6th International
Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, Aug. 19-23,
1994, Tokyo, Japan, K. Suzuki and K. Yashida (Eds.),
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Vol. 1, pp. 196-200, Aug. 1994.
U.G. Gujar,
V.C. Bhavsar and L. Wu, "Three Dimensional Objects Using Multicontour Unified Linear Interpolation",
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics
and Descriptive Geometry, Aug. 19-23, 1994, Tokyo, Japan, K. Suzuki and K. Yashida (Eds.), The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Vol. 2, pp.
360-364, Aug. 1994.
L. Goldfarb,
J. Abela, V.C. Bhavsar and V.N. Kamat,
'Are Vector Space Models Capable of Inductive Learning in a Symbolic
Environment?' Proc. of AI'94, the 10th Biennial Conference of the Computer
Society for Computational Study of Intelligence, Banff, May 16-20, 1994, R.
Elio (Ed.), Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Palo Alto, CA, pp. 79-84, 1994.
A. A. Ghorbani, and V.C. Bhavsar, "On the Error Analysis of
Incremental Communication in Artificial Neural Networks", Proc. APICS,
Annual Computer Science Conference, Acadia University, Wolfville,
NS, Oct. 29, 1994, pp. 79-88, Oct. 1994.
G. Meldrum
and V.C. Bhavsar, "Parallel Processing of a Reconfigurable Learning
Machine", Proc. APICS, Annual Computer Science Conference, Acadia
University, Wolfville, NS, Oct. 29, 1994, pp.
118-127, Oct. 1994.
A.A. Ghorbani and V.C. Bhavsar, "Training Artificial Neural
Networks Using Variable Precision Incremental Communication", Proc. of the
IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (ICNN,94),
Orlando, FL, Vol. 3, pp. 1409-1414, June 1994.