

Bhavsar, V.C., S.K. Rao, and G.S. Pandit, 'PLEXUS A Localized Homogeneous Microcomputer Network', in Proc. 16th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, New Delhi, Feb. 28Mar. 1, 1981.

Shah, P.A. and V.C. Bhavsar, 'Design of Multitasking Node Executives for PLEXUS Microcomputer Network', in Proc. 16th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, New Delhi, pp. III.399-III.405, Feb. 18-Mar. 1, 1981.

Bhavsar, V.C., 'Some Parallel Algorithms for Monte Carlo Solutions of Partial Differential Equations', Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations, IMACS (AICA), Pennsylvania U.S.A, Vol.. 4, pp. 135-141, 1981.

Bhavsar, V.C. and J.R. Isaac. 'Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms for Monte Carlo Methods', in Proc. 10th IMACS World Congress on Systems Simulation and Scientific Computation, Aug. 8-13, Montreal, Canada, Vol. II, pp. 323-325, 1982.

Chandrika, Kamath and V.C. Bhavsar, 'Implementation and Performance Prediction of Some Parallel Algorithms on PLEXUS Microcomputer Network' Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 10, pp. 25-31, 1982.

Bhavsar, V.C., 'VLSI Algorithms for Monte Carlo Solution of Linear Equations', APICS Annual Computer Science Seminar, St. Francis Xavier Univ., Antigonish, N.S., Canada, 4-5 Nov. 1983.

Bhavsar, V.C. and U.G. Gujar, 'VLSI Algorithms for Monte Carlo Solutions of Partial Differential Equations', Advances in 'Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations', Vol. V, IMACS, New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A., pp. 268-276, 1984.

Bhavsar, V.C. and U.G. Gujar, 'Some VLSI Algorithms for Monte Carlo Integration', Technical Digest, Edmonton, Alberta, pp. 6.212-6.216, Oct. 1984.

Goldfarb, L, V.C. Bhavsar, and T.Y.T. Chan, 'A Comparative Analysis of the Syntactic and a New Approach to Pattern Recognition', in Proc. of the Annual APICS Computer Science Conference, Fredericton, Canada, pp. 49-63, Nov. 1984.

Bhavsar, V.C. T.Y.T. Chan, and L. Goldfarb, 'On VLSI Implementations for a New Approach to Pattern Recognition', in Proc. of the Annual APICS Computer Science Conference, Fredericton, Canada, pp. 142-157, Nov. 1984.

Bhavsar, V.C., and U.G. Gujar, 'VLSI Architectures and Their Applications to Monte Carlo Simulation', IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing, Banglore, India, Vol. 3, pp. 12521255, Dec. 9-12, 1984.

Bhavsar, V.C., T.Y.T. Chan, and L. Goldfarb, 'Some Parallel Algorithms and VLSI Implementations for a New Approach to Pattern Recognition', Seventh IASTED International Symp. on 'Robotics and Automation', Lugano, Switzerland, June 24-26, 1985 (to appear).

Narendra N. Datar, Uday G. Gujar, and V.C. Bhavsar, "Some Methods for Generating Three Dimensional Objects," in Proc. of Annual APICS Computer Science Seminar, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada, pp. 14-32, Nov. 8-9, 1985.

L. Lambrou, V.C. Bhavsar, and U.G. Gujar, "On the Discrepancy of Pseudo-Random Number Sequences Generated by the Linear Congruential Method," in Proc. of Annual APICS Computer Science Seminar, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada, pp. 5368, Nov. 89, 1985.

T. Tassou, V.C. Bhavsar, U.G. Gujar, and E. Hussein, "Adapting a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code to Supercomputers," in Proc. of Annual APICS Computer Science Seminar, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada, pp. 132144, Nov. 89, 1985.

V.C. Bhavsar, T.Y.T. Chan, and L. Goldfarb, "On the Metric Approach to Pattern Recognition and Its VLSI Implementations," in Proc. 1985 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on 'Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management', Miami Beach, Florida, Nov. 1820, 1985, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 126136, Nov. 1985.