Professional Courses
Organized and participated as a lecturer in a number of short-term courses for professionals from industries, defense laboratories and faculty members from other universities.
Under the auspices of I. I. T. Bombay, India, 1976-83.
1. System Simulation
2. Microcomputer Systems: Design and Applications
3. Digital Signal Processing
4. Telemetry and Remote Control Systems
5. Digital Instrumentation
6. Special Purpose Computers (Organizer and Lecturer)
7. Parallel Processing Systems (Organizer and Lecturer)
Course notes have been published for each of the above courses.
For Toshniwal Instruments, Bombay, India, organized and sole lecturer.
1. Microcomputer Systems: Design and Applications
2. Microcomputer Systems in Instrumentation.
Through Integrated Computer Systems, Culver City, CA, U.S.A., four-day course on 'Supercomputers, Hybercubes, and High Performance Computer Architectures' taught at:
1. Digital Equipment Corporation: April 12-15, 1988
Boxborough, MA, U.S.A.
2. Washington, D.C., ICS Training Center: July 12-15, 1988
3. Ottawa, Bradson Business Center: Nov. 20-25, 1988
4. Washington, D.C., ICS Training Center: Dec. 6-9, 1988
5. Washington, D.C., ICS Training Center: Aug. 22-25, 1989
The participants in courses #2 - 5 were from Naval Res. Lab.(USA), Naval Surface Warfare Center (USA), AT&T Bell Labs., Mitre Corp., Naval Weapons Center (USA), Emerson Electric (USA), Energy Mines and Resources, Nova Corp., Bell Northern Res., Communications Security Establishment, etc.
Taught four-day courses on 'Supercomputer Architectures' through Learning Tree Inter- national, Ottawa, Canada:
1. Hotel Roxborough, Ottawa, Oct. 3-6, 1989
The participants were from Med Chem Labs., Nova Corp., General Electric (USA),
Eastman Kodak (USA), Canada Remote Sensing Center, etc.
2. Communications Securities Establishment, Dept. of National Defense, Ottawa, Oct. 24-27, 1989.
Organized the Workshop "High Performance Computing" at the Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune, India, March 1-4, 1990. About 160 people participated in the workshop. The workshop provided, for the first time in India, hands-on training on parallel computer systems.
Organized the Industry-Users Technology Transfer Meet on "C-DAC's Parallel Computing Products" and Second Workshop "High Performance Computing", C-DAC, Pune, India, Aug. 17-19, 1990. About 100 people participated in the meet and about 50 participated in the workshop.
A tutorial on "Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks" was offered at the Fourth UNB Artificial Intelligence Symposium, U.N.B., Fredericton, Sept. 20-21, 1991.