To transfer marks from another organization for consideration as credit towards a UNB degree program, have the organization send an original transcript for the course(s) in a sealed envelope to University of New Brunswick Registrar's Office 3 Bailey Drive, Unit 201 Sir Howard Douglas Hall P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5A3 CANADA ATTN: Kimberly Barrett If you wish to move the process along a bit faster, you can have the organization FAX an official copy of your transcript to 506 453 4544 ATTN: Kimberly Barrett, UNB Registrar, Transfer Credits with the statement "Original to follow by paper mail" on the FAX. The telephone number and e-mail address of the UNB Registrar's office in Fredericton is 506 453 4864 Revised April 21, 2010 by Brad Nickerson