Sixth High-Performance
Grid Computing Workshop
May 25 2009, Rome, Italy
in conjunction with
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium - IPDPS 2009
May 25-29, 2009, Rome, Italy
This workshop gives a forum to researchers and
engineers to present their results in grid and distributed computing.
Special areas of interest are grid middleware, grid applications, grid
benchmarking, data distribution and replication on the grid, fault
tolerance and efficiency of grid applications, novel models of grid
computing, including cloud and mobile computing.
Topics |
- Applications:
Theory and practice of grid computing. Solution of large problems
on grids.
- Benchmarking:
Evaluating performance of grid hardware and middleware. Grid
- Infrastructure:
Implementation and evaluation of grid middleware.
- Data Grids:
Use of
grids for analysis of large data sets.
- Management and Scheduling:
Account management, resource monitoring
- Scheduling:
Resource allocation, application scheduling and containerization.
- Networking: QoS for
grid applications. Bandwidth management.
- Partitioning and Load
Balancing: Mapping data and
applications on computational grids.
- Programming Models:
Methods for remote execution and intertask communications, including
message passing and RPC.
Best Paper Award
support of Open Source grid computing Google is sponsoring a $1000
award for the best paper presented at HPGC. The paper must go through
the normal review process and be presented by an author at HPGC in
Rome. The final decision will be made by the organizers based on
quality of the paper and quality of the presentation.

invite submissions not exceeding eight
single-spaced pages (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts
style: two columns). Submitted papers may not have appeared in or be
under consideration for another workshop, conference, or journal. Each
paper will be refereed by at least three independent reviewers. Paper
submission indicates the intention of the author to
present the paper at the HPGC workshop at IPDPS 2009.
Authors of accepted manuscripts, please
submit your camera-ready papers by February 15, 2009 at http://www.ipdps.org/ipdps2009/2009_author_resources.html
HPGC workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society along with the IPDPS
conference proceedings.
Aubanel, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Bhavsar, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Alex Frumkin, Google, USA
Program |
- 10:00 am |
Welcome to HPGC (chair: Michael Frumkin, Google)
Keynote talk:
Dieter Kranzlmueller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen,
Towards a Sustainable Federated
Grid Infrastructure for Science |
10:00 - 10:30 am |
Break |
10:30 am - 11:40 am |
Session 1 (chair: Alexey Lastovetsky,
University College Dublin)
- Invited talk: Daniele
Gregori (INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy), INFN-CNAF activity in the TIER-1 and GRID
for LHC experiments
- Henri Bal et al. (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam,
Netherlands), Ibis: Real-World
Problem Solving using Real-World Grids
- Carmela Comito, Carlo Mastroianni, and Domenico
Talia (University of Calabria and ICAR-CNR, Italy), A Semantic-aware Information System for
Multi-Domain Applications over Service Grids
11:40 am - 1:40 pm |
Lunch |
1:40 - 3:00 pm |
Session 2 (chair: Daniele
Gregori, INFN-CNAF, Bologna)
- Robert Higgins and Alexey
Lastovetsky (University College Dublin, Ireland), Managing the Construction and Use of
Functional Performance Models in a Grid Environment
- Tanvire Elahi, Cameron Kiddle, and Rob
Simmonds (University of Calgary, Canada), Modelling Memory Requirements for Grid
- Luis Tomas, Agustın Caminero, Blanca Caminero, Carmen
Carrion (University of Castilla La Mancha), Improving GridWay with Network
Information: Tuning the Monitoring Tool
- Murray Stokely, Jim Winget, and Benjamin Yolken
(Google, and Stanford, CA, USA), Using a Market Economy to Provision
Compute Resources Across Planet-wide Clusters
3:00 - 3:30 pm |
Break |
3:30 - 4:40 pm |
Session 3 (chair: Eric Aubanel, University of New Brunswick)
- Invited talk: Stephane
Genaud (LORIA, France), Evaluation
of Replication and Fault Detection in P2P-MPI
- Michele Guidolin, Alexey Lastovetsky (University
College Dublin, Ireland), Grid-Enabled
Hydropad: a Scientific Application for Benchmarking GridRPC-Based
Programming Systems
- Jason Maassen et al. (Vrije Universiteit and
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Assessing the Impact of Future
Reconfigurable Optical Networks on Application Performance
5:00 pm |
Announcement of winner of Google best paper award
(note: the last paper from session 2 is not eligible, since the authors are from Google) |
Aggarwal, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada
Chrisochoides, College of William and Mary, Wlliamsburg, VA, USA
- Anthony T.
Chronopoulos, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, USA
- Brian J. d'Auriol, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
- Frank Dehne, Carleton
University, Canada
University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Eduardo Huedo,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Diwakar Krishnamurthy, University of Calgary, Canada
- Alexey Lastovetsky,
University College Dublin, Ireland
- Paul Lu, University of Alberta, Canada
- Gabriel
Mateescu, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Blacksburg, VA, USA
- Rubén S.
Montero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Spain
- Djamila Ouelhadj,
University of Nottingham, UK
- Stefan Podlipnig,
University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Sushil Prasad, Georgia
State University, USA
- Andrew Rau-Chaplin,
Dalhousie University, Canada
- Thomas Rauber,
University of Bayreuth, Germany
- Masoud Sadjadi,
Florida International University, USA
- Ruth
University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Eric Tune, Google, USA
- Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
- Rob F. Van Der
Wijngaart, Intel Corporation, USA