Nathaniel Couture
- MCS, 2003 - 2005
University of New Brunswick, Canada
- BCS, 1999 - 2003
University of New Brunswick, Canada
Research Topic: Cryptography, Security, FPGAs
E-mail: l394e@unb.ca
Quote: "fill your boots!"
Thesis Research: Self-Expiring Licensing Architecture for Intellectual Property on FPGAs
As Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) gain popularity and become more prevalent
in consumer products, the desire to have expiring FPGA Intellectual Property(IP) will also
rise. This work describes a way to license IP on FPGAs based on techniques derived from
software licensing schemes. Current software and hardware licensing techniques are described
in detail, including a survey of current research in the fields of FPGA security, secure memory
technologies, and cryptography. A licensing architecture for FPGA IP is proposed, and an
implementation on a Xilinx Vertex 2 FPGA demonstrates that expiration can be achieved.
Future work includes the development of a hardware architecture for consumer products that
supports licensable IP cores as well as their delivery.
Thesis Supervisor(s):
Ken Kent