Solution for Assignment 3
Due Monday, March.
To save space, we’ll show
the list of models as a table rather than a collection of diagrams. There are
eight possible combinations of pits in the three squares, and four
possibilities for the wumpus location (including
nowhere). We can see that KB |= α2 because every
line where KB is true also has α2 true. Similarly for α3.
The knowledge base includes the following sentences according to the story:
∨ Mammal
From the first two sentences,
we see that if it is mythical, then it is immortal; otherwise it is a mammal.
So it must be either immortal or a mammal, and thus horned. That means it is
also magical. However, we can’t deduce anything about whether it is mythical.
The knowledge base does not
entail ∀x P(x). To show this, we must give a model where P(a) and P(b) but ∀x P(x) is false. Consider any model with three domain
elements, where a and b refer to the first two elements and the relation
referred to by P holds
only for those two elements.
The sentence ∃
x, y x=y is valid. A sentence is valid if it is true in every
model. An existentially quantified sentence is true in a model if it holds
under any extended interpretation in which its variables are assigned to domain
elements. According to the standard semantics of FOL as given in the chapter,
every model contains at least one domain element, hence, for any model, there
is an extended interpretation in which x and y are assigned to the first domain element. In such an
interpretation, x=y is true.
the basic vocabulary be as follows:
c, s): student x takes course c in semester s;
c, s): student x passes course c in semester s;
c, s): the score obtained by student x in course c in
semester s;
> y: x is greater than y;
F and
G: specific French and Greek courses (one could also interpret these
sentences as referring
to any such course, in which case one could use a
predicate Subject(c, f) meaning
that the subject of course c is field f;
y, z): x buys y from z (using a binary predicate with
unspecified seller is OK but
less felicitous);
y, z): x sells y to z;
y): person x shaves person y
c): person x is born in country c;
y): x is a parent of y;
c, r): x is a citizen of country c for
reason r;
c): x is a resident of country c;
y, t): person x fools person y at
time t;
Person(x), Man(x), Barber(x), Expensive(x),
Agent(x), Insured(x), Smart(x), Politician(x):
predicates satisfied by members of the corresponding categories.
a. (1 mark) Some students took French in spring 2001.
Student(x) ∧ Takes(x, F,
b. (1 mark) Every student who takes French passes it.
x, s Student(x) ∧
Takes(x, F, s) ⇒
Passes(x, F, s).
c. (1 mark) Only one student
took Greek in spring 2001.
Student(x)∧Takes(x,G, Spring2001)∧∀y y _= x⇒¬Takes(y,G, Spring2001).
d. (1 mark) The best score in
Greek is always higher than the best score in French.
s ∃
x ∀y Score(x,G, s) >
Score(y,F, s).
e. (1 mark) Every person who
buys a policy is smart.
Person(x) ∧ (∃ y, z
Policy(y) ∧ Buys(x, y, z)) ⇒
f. (1 mark) No person buys an
expensive policy.
x, y, z Person(x) ∧
Policy(y) ∧
Expensive(y) ⇒
¬Buys(x, y, z).
g. (1 mark) There is an agent
who sells policies only to people who are not insured.
∃x Agent(x) ∧∀y, z
Policy(y) ∧ Sells(x, y, z) ⇒
h. (1 mark) There is a barber
who shaves all men in town who do not shave themselves.
Barber(x) ∧ ∀y Man(y) ∧
¬Shaves(y, y) ⇒
Shaves(x, y).
i. (2 marks) A person born in the
j. (2 marks)
A person born outside the
Person(x)∧ ¬Born(x,
k. (2 marks) Politicians can
fool some of the people all of the time, and they can fool all of the people
some of the time, but they can’t fool all of the people
all of the time.
x Politician(x) ⇒
(∃ y ∀t
Person(y) ∧ Fools(x, y, t)) ∧
(∃ t ∀y
Person(y) ⇒ Fools(x, y, t)) ∧¬(∀
t ∀y Person(y) ⇒
Fools(x, y, t))