Sample Solution for Assignment 2 (Total: 50 marks)

Due Friday, Feb. 24, midnight in the CS47225 assignment bin.


  1. (6 marks) Exercise 4.6


The heuristic h = h1 + h2 (adding misplaced tiles and Manhattan distance) sometimes overestimates. Now, suppose h(n) h*(n) + c (as given) and let G2 be a goal that is suboptimal by more than c, i.e., g(G2) > C* + c. Now consider any node n on a path to an optimal goal. We have


f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

g(n) + h*(n) + c

C* + c



so G2 will never be expanded before an optimal goal is expanded.



  1. (6 marks) Exercise 4.9


The misplaced-tiles heuristic is exact for the problem where a tile can move from square A to square B. As this is a relaxation of the condition that a tile can move from square A to square B if B is blank, Gaschnig’s heuristic cannot be less than the misplaced-tiles heuristic. As it is also admissible (being exact for a relaxation of the original problem), Gaschnig’s heuristic is therefore more accurate.


If we permute two adjacent tiles in the goal state, we have a state where misplaced-tiles and Manhattan both return 2, but Gaschnig’s heuristic returns 3.


To compute Gaschnig’s heuristic, repeat the following until the goal state is reached: let B be the current location of the blank; if B is occupied by tile X (not the blank) in the goal state, move X to B; otherwise, move any misplaced tile to B. Students could be asked to prove that this is the optimal solution to the relaxed problem.



  1. (8 marks) Exercise 4.11


    1. (2 marks) Local beam search with k = 1 is hill-climbing search.
    2. (2 marks)  Local beam search with k = . The idea is that if every successor is retained (because k is unbounded), then the search resembles breadth-first search in that it adds one complete layer of nodes before adding the next layer. Starting from one state, the algorithm would be essentially identical to breadth-first search except that each layer is generated all at once.
    3. (2 marks) Simulated annealing with T = 0 at all times: ignoring the fact that the termination step would be triggered immediately, the search would be identical to first-choice hill climb ing because every downward successor would be rejected with probability 1.
    4. (2 marks) Genetic algorithm with population size N = 1: if the population size is 1, then the two selected parents will be the same individual; crossover yields an exact copy of the individual; then there is a small chance of mutation. Thus, the algorithm executes a random walk in the space of individuals.



  1. (5 marks) Exercise 4.12


If we assume the comparison function is transitive, then we can always sort the nodes using it, and choose the node that is at the top of the sort. Efficient priority queue data structures rely only on comparison operations, so we lose nothing in efficiency—except for the fact that the comparison operation on states may be much more expensive than comparing two numbers, each of which can be computed just once.

A* relies on the division of the total cost estimate f(n) into the cost-so-far and the cost-to- go. If we have comparison operators for each of these, then we can prefer to expand a node that is better than other nodes on both comparisons. Unfortunately, there will usually be no such node. The tradeoff between g(n) and h(n) cannot be realized without numerical values.


  1. (10 marks) Exercise 6.1
    1. (2 marks)  9!
    2. (2 marks) Figure S6.1 shows the game tree, with the evaluation function values below the terminal nodes and the backed-up values to the right of the non  terminal nodes. The values imply that the best starting move for X is to take the center. The terminal nodes with a bold outline are the ones that do not need to be evaluated, assuming the optimal ordering.
    3. (2 marks) See b.
    4.  (2 marks)
    5.  (2 marks)  






  1. (5 marks) Exercise 6.2


Consider a MIN node whose children are terminal nodes. If MIN plays suboptimally, then the value of the node is greater than or equal to the value it would have if MIN played optimally. Hence, the value of the MAX node that is the MIN node’s parent can only be increased. This argument can be extended by a simple induction all the way to the root. If the suboptimal play by MIN is predictable, then one can do better than a minimax strategy. For example, if MIN always falls for a certain kind of trap and loses, then setting the trap guarantees a win even if there is actually a devastating response for MIN. This is shown in Figure S6.2.



  1. (10 marks) Write your own tic-tac-toe program with techniques discussed in class. Your program should be able to play n by n boards with m in a row. Do not submit code; rather, answer:
    1. (2 marks) Describe the algorithms and techniques you used in your program.
    2. (2 marks) Which techniques were most useful?
    3. (2 marks)  For what values of n and m can you solve the entire game tree?
    4. (2 marks) How many nodes do these scenarios generate?
    5. (2 marks) Do optimal players tie in these scenarios or is one player guaranteed to win?  If one player wins, which one?