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There are many David Bremners on the Web. If you are looking for one of the following, then you have found the right place:
A professor of Computer Science at UNB
A cross-appointed professor to the department of Math and Statistics at UNB.
OK, I admit it, many of the other pages you get from Google are also me. But I am not, for example, the trombone player from New Zealand, the founder of the Bremner Biscuit Company, or the professor at University of Abertay, Dundee. I am also not Ted Bremner, the Concrete expert at UNB.
For mail and fax, see the Faculty of Computer Science
My office phone is (506) 447 3300.
My office is ITC321.
Email to bremner at unb dot ca.
Note that since the great outsourcing, my email sometimes takes 24 hours to reach me.
Trying to schedule an appointment? Check my public schedule to see when I'm unavailable.
programming team
My main GPG key id is 0x784206AD. Like many people, I was a victim of the Evil 32 attack, so you should verify the full fingerprint 815B63982A79F8E7C72786C4762B57BB784206AD to make sure you are getting the right key. Ideally you should get this fingerprint in some way you trust.