There are multiple sections for CS1083 in 2024/FA

CS1083 FR01A (2024/FA) Intro Comp Prog II (in Java)

Instructor:Wilson, C.
Lecture Times (location):MWF 01:30PM-02:20PM (IT317)
Tutorial Times (location):F 03:30PM-04:20PM (H102)
Lab Times: (location):T 11:30AM-12:50PM (IT415)

Instructor does not have a webpage for this course.
Course content may be available on Desire2Learn (D2L).

CS1083 FRL (2024/FA) Intro Comp Prog II (in Java)

Instructor:McAllister, A.

Instructor does not have a webpage for this course.
Course content may be available on Desire2Learn (D2L).