Grid Computing Workshop
March 26, 2007, Long
Beach, California, USA
in conjunction with
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium - IPDPS 2007
March 26-30, 2007,
Long Beach, California, USA
grids allow the federation of significant computational and storage
resources to solve challenging problems in science, engineering,
medicine, finance, and entertainment. Involvement of multi-core
platforms and wireless communications in the traditional grids
comprised of clusters, workstations, and supercomputers pose new
challenges to manage the grids and open new opportunities in using
them. The High Performance Grid Computing workshop provides a forum for
presenting research results on most aspects of grid computing, with a
focus on performance, in the following areas: Applications,
Benchmarking, Infrastructure, Management and Scheduling, Partitioning
and Load Balancing, and Programming Models.
Intel Best Paper Award
New this year, Intel Corporation is sponsoring a best paper award
in the area of High Performance Grid
Computational grids allow the solution of existing scientific and
business problems faster and at lower cost. To encourage research and
use of Grids Intel will award the authors of the best paper
presented at the workshop. The paper will be chosen by the HPGC program
committee and
selected IPDPS committee members based on the following criteria:
- novelty of the results
- efficiency of using the grid
- achieved performance gains in the problem solved on the grid
- quality of the presentation
Winner: Stephane
Genaud, Marc Grunberg, and Catherine
Mongenet, Experiments in running a
scientific MPI application on Grid'5000

Intel, the Intel logo, Intel. Leap ahead. and Intel. Leap ahead. logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Topics |
- Applications:
Theory and practice of composing grid applications
consisting of multiple interacting tasks. Solution of large problems on
- Benchmarking:
technology for evaluating performance
of grid hardware and middleware; benchmark results.
- Infrastructure:
Implementation and evaluation of computational grid middleware.
- Management and Scheduling:
Management, monitoring, resource
allocation, scheduling, and metascheduling.
- Partitioning and Load
Balancing: Partitioning
applications for computational grids for
achieving high performance, and load balancing of grid applications.
- Multi-core processors as
grid components.
- Programming Models:
Methods for remote execution and intertask communications.
invite submissions not exceeding eight
single-spaced pages. Submitted papers may not have appeared in or be
under consideration for another workshop, conference, or journal. Each
paper will be refereed by at least three independent
reviewers. Paper submission indicates the intention of the author to
present the paper at the HPGC workshop at IPDPS 2007.
Click here to submit
your paper.
deadline: November 17, 2006. There
will be NO
extension of this deadline. Authors will be notified by December 18,
HPGC workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society along with the IPDPS
conference proceedings.
Aubanel, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Bhavsar, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Frumkin, Intel Corporation, USA
Advance Program |
9:00 - 10:00 am |
Welcome to HPGC
Invited talk I: The Impact of
MultiCore Processors on HPC Cluster Design, Marc
Hamilton, Senior Director, Global Systems Practice, Sun Microsystems |
10:00 - 10:30 am |
Break |
10:30 am - 11:50 am |
Session 1: Scientific Computing (chair: Eric Aubanel)
- Stephane Genaud, Marc Grunberg, and Catherine
Mongenet, Experiments in running a
scientific MPI application on Grid'5000 Winner of the Intel Best Paper Award
- Benjamin Depardon, Yves Caniou, Eddy Caron, Helene
Courtois, and Romain Teyssier, Cosmological
Simulations using Grid Middleware
- Ye Zhang, Guy Bergere, and Serge Petiton, A parallel hybrid method of GMRES on GRID
- Xin Zuo and Alexey Lastovetsky, Experiments with a Software Component
Enabling NetSolve with Direct Communications in a Non-Intrusive and
Incremental Way
11:50 am - 1:00 pm |
Lunch |
1:00 - 1:45 pm |
Invited talk II: Submitting
Locally and running Globally - the GLOW and OSG Experience,
Miron Livny, University of Wisconsin |
1:45 - 3:05 pm |
Session 2: Middleware (chair: Michael Frumkin)
- Antonio Juan Rubio-Montero, Eduardo Huedo, Ruben S.
Montero, and Ignacio M. Llorente,
Management of Virtual Machines on Globus Grids Using GridWay
- Richard Zamudio, Daniel Catarino, Michela Taufer,
Brent Stearn, and Karan Bhatia,
Topaz: Extending
Firefox to Accommodate the GridFTP Protocol
- Chenxi Huang, Peter Hobson, Gareth Taylor, and Paul
Kyberd, A Study of Publish/Subscribe
Systems for
Real-Time Grid Monitoring
- Satish Penmatsa, Anthony
Chronopoulos, Nicholas Karonis,
and Brian Toonen, Implementation of
Distributed Loop
Scheduling Schemes on the TeraGrid
3:05 - 3:30 pm |
Break |
3:30 - 4:30 pm |
Session 3: Data Grids (chair: Eric Aubanel)
- Michael Lawrence, Frank Dehne, and Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Implementing OLAP Query Fragment
Aggregation and Recombination for the OLAP Enabled Grid
- Rajkumar Kettimuthu, William Allcock, Lee Liming,
John-Paul Navarro, and
Ian Foster, GridCopy (GCP): Moving
Fast on the Grid
- Ming Lei, Susan Vrbsky and ZiJie Qi, Online Grid Replication Optimizers to
Improve System Reliability
4:30 - 4:40 pm |
Announcement of winner of Intel best paper award |
Aggarwal, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
Chrisochoides, College of William and Mary, Wlliamsburg, VA, USA
- Anthony T.
Chronopoulos, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, USA
University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Wolfgang Gentzsch,
German D-Grid Initiative
- Alexey Lastovetsky,
University College Dublin, Ireland
- Thuy T. Le, San Jose
State University, USA
- Xiaolin (Andy) Li, Oklahoma State University, USA
- Gabriel
Mateescu, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada
- Francois Pellegrini,
INRIA and LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux, France
- Sushil Prasad, Georgia
State University, USA
- Andrew Rau-Chaplin,
Dalhousie University, Canada
- Thomas Rauber,
University of Bayreuth, Germany
University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Simon Chong-Wee See,
Sun Asia Pacific Science and
Technology Center and Nanyang Technological University
- Allan Snavely, San
Diego Supercomputing Center, La Jolla,
T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
- Rob F. Van Der
Wijngaart, Intel Corporation, USA